Because they are used to construct equations, certain characters may not appear in the Rich Content Editor after they are typed into the Math Editor. If you need these characters to appear as-is in your equation, use the workaround table below.

If you would like to edit equations in LaTeX, but still use MS Word for your reports, I recommend the online equation editor at It gives you a live preview of the formula, but also the ability to 'Copy to Word' (it's a button on the editor) as long as your version of MS Word is 2007 or higher. When pasted into MS Word, the equation remains editable using the MS Word equation editor, unlike a still image. The live preview is a still image, so you can also copy and paste that if you prefer.

Latex Equation Editor Download


I've used Affinity Designer to make lab reports for a couple years now, but always had two main issues (equation writing and having to import screenshots of tables). While you can imagine my joy at Publisher fixing the latter problem, I still think having an equation maker would be a huge step forward and a massive leg up over InDesign. Think of all the boring-looking papers being cranked out right now that could be so much better if only they were made in AP. Hell, maybe it can even tempt the LaTeX faithful...?

I'd be willing to live without an interactive equation builder if AffPub allowed me to place MathML files in a frame, with proper formatting of the MathML content, of course, not just dumping the raw text into the frame. MathML is a mature open format, and there are lots of tools to work with it (which is why it's not essential to have equation builder support inside AffPub). MathML 3 support would be nice, but MathML 2 would be sufficient for what I work on.

It would be nice to have equations and text flow "inline" within a single frame (or sequence of linked frames), but I could get my work done with separate equation and text frames, especially if the equation frames (like image frames) offered the standard text wrap settings when placed over a text frame. [Added in edit] And, of course, it should be possible to pin an equation frame to a text location so that it will follow the text flow, just as image frames can.

What I am currently doing is exporting SVG from external equation builders and dropping the SVG into AffPub. By linking rather than embedding, it's not too painful to update AffPub if changes are made externally.

It used to be possible to use some limited LaTeX syntax when typing equation, e.g. \int, \sqrt or \rightarrow would all work as in LaTeX. Now they no longer work in PowerPoint (they still do in Word 16.13.1).

Now it's crucial that the functionality can break again. For me this happens when I disable 'capitalize first letter in sentence' in the autocorrect menu. I have to decide between either having my equations working, or being able to have lower case letters at the beginning of my sentences by default. We should probably still all contact Microsoft about this, because otherwise they will never fix it.

Then run powerpoint, and voila, the "insert equation" feature works again, and replaces things like "\alpha" and "\int" with the appropriate symbols. If you want to restore your custom dictionary, then exit powerpoint and in a command line do:

where they also say: "Please note that removing the UBF8T346G9 folder will also remove the Outlook profile folder." I don't use Outlook, but if you do, then after doing the above and have equations in Powerpoint working again, you may want to do:

I had the same issue for Powerpoint 365. However, I could not solve it via deleting the folders in Containers. Instead I downloaded a LaTeX plug-in, with the idea to bypass the native equation tool completely.

You can also create math equations using on the keyboard using a combination of keywords and math autocorrect codes. New to Word for Microsoft 365 subscribers is the ability to type math using the LaTeX syntax; details described below.

Choose Convert and select professional to build your typed fractions to their Professional form into subscripts, or use Ctrl + =. You can similarly convert an equation back down to a linear format with Ctrl + Shift + =.

Microsoft Office uses the linear format described in Unicode Technical Note 28 to build up and display mathematical expressions. For more information, including how to quickly type up and build equations, see Unicode Nearly Plain-Text Encoding of Mathematics.

Office has Math AutoCorrect that can be used to make UnicodeMath format simpler by automatically recognizing expressions and symbols as they are input and converting them to a professional format as the equation is created. This setting can be enabled or disabled by checking the appropriate box in the Equation Options dialog.

Your selection is inserted into the Equation Editor entry field. Replace the template placeholder values with your custom values as needed to complete your mathematical expression or chemical equation.

Use the Formula button in the at the top of each text box in the activity editor to open the equation editor. Our equation editor uses LaTeX to format equations. For simple ones, you can just type, but there are lots of ways to make really good looking equations.

Let's assume that you've got two variables (this also works with collection variables) named $distance and $time. Students would be randomly assigned a value for each one, and that you want to use LaTeX to display an equation to students showing them how to calculate average speed where the equation has their specific values within the expression. Something like this:

Discourse Math Editor is a plugin to enter math equations into Discourse in a more user friendly way. This editor helps you to create LaTeX. Please read on wikipedia about it if you dont know what it is: wikipedia

For more documentation on all the LateX commands that you can use please have a look here: mathlive docs

And please watch the video:

Normally I have found the MS office equation editor adequate for simple presentations, but this time I seem to be unable to get the effect I want with the particular font I want (probably because Powerpoint's font support is abysmal).

I'm looking for a way to do this quickly and efficiently. I know I can use something like the standalone class, but I'm looking for a more efficient way, if it exist. Something that allows me to generate equations and copy them on the fly without the hassle of a regular tex document.

Mac users: the MacTex distribution comes with a software called LaTeXIt. You enter LaTeX code (equations, TikZ, tables, whatever) and compile it to an image (png, pdf, etc) you can copy onto a slide. Works great.

This might not sound like a proper sophisticated answer. I think the quickest way is to generate the latex equations in the TeXstudio or something and then use the snip tool/any other screen grabbing tool to get the equation out. Works all the time.

Just an idea since I never had to do that. If you compile the latex source with htlatex, all the math formulas are rendered in png images. So you just have to gather them, but its up to you to have them inserted at good place.

By the way, you can use mathpix snipping tool to convert low quality images of equations to latex, then use the latexIt to convert latex code to convert latex code into high quality images suited for powerpoint.

I use the quiz feature in my Panopto recordings. It would be great if I could add equations and mathematical notation in my quizzes. It appears Google Forms are being used for quizzes and there are already existing add-ons that allow to insert equations in such forms, so it might be possible to integrate with Panopto. Bonus: if I could type in my equations using LaTeX, that would be wonderful!

I agree with Jason Detwiler. It is important to have LaTex. We are not able to write equations clearly using Panopto quiz. We are not able to add images or pictures to the quiz. Also sync the grad of Panopto quizzes on canvas is not available as far as I know. Please improve these features.

To help students (age 14-18) who have difficulties in handwriting I have implemented a number of tools in word. I have defined macros that insert an equation using LaTeX coding. I have defined a custom toolbar and shortcuts to access these macros. 

The way to use the equation editor, the tools and the macro's are described in this document (in Dutch): 


This works fine for mathematical equations, but does not help for Chemistry. I would like to use extra LaTeX packages for editing Chemistry in word. Is that possible? 

The LaTeX packages I would like to use are used in this project

Using the built-in math editor creates accessible equations. Canvas displays the content as a scalable vector graphic (SVG) image, which enlarges without distortion. It also includes ALT text and MathML as described below.

If you are accustomed to working with LaTeX, the Advanced View of the Canvas Math Editor lets you edit directly in LaTeX. The LaTeX is converted to a Canvas equation with the accessible features listed above..

One of the things to note about the equation editor in Word is that you can type various shortcuts and then they will be automatically converted. For example, you can type \gamma, hit the space bar, and then the equation will actually change to showing the gamma symbol. So there are some similarities to LaTeX. (Another pro-tip, to start an equation in Word you can press Alt=.) In the subsequent examples I will use to represent hitting the space bar, and there are other examples of using (for the left arrow key) and for the backspace button.

For a while I did not think this was possible, but I recently found examples of multiline equations (equivalent to \align in LateX). The way this works is you place a & sign before the symbols you want to line up (same as LaTeX), but for Word to split a line you use @. So if you type

To describe a mathematical process or method used in your code, insert equations into your live script or function. Only text lines can contain equations. If you insert an equation into a code line, MATLAB places the equation into a new text line directly under the selected code line. 2351a5e196

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