How To Recognise A High Quality Olive Oil

Now, here's the thing: not all olive oil is the same. A lot of research and thought went into finding the best one to purchase, and it shows. To begin, it's helpful to define the phrase "extra-virgin," which is often used to describe olive oil. Joseph Profaci, head of The North American Olive Oil Association, says, "The essential to a virgin oil is that it's an olive oil that is extracted from the olive by mechanical methods solely, with no chemicals or heat added."

As it turns out, extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is the healthiest option, period. According to Maria Marlowe, author of The Real Food Grocery Guide, "extra-virgin is a phrase specific to olive oil and means the oil was cold pressed from the first pressing of olives," which yields the purest, least acidic oil as well as the best-tasting oil. Nonetheless, you shouldn't stop there in your search.

Read on for a look at the five most important criteria for selecting premium olive oil.

Instructions for Using Olive Oil

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1. Bottle variety

Profaci argues that olive oil's three biggest enemies are air, light, and heat. Extra virgin olive oil is best stored in a dark container to prevent oxidation from the sun.


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"A transparent container is not always a negative thing either. The best olive oils on the planet are sold in transparent bottles and will soon be available in boxes "The Extra Virgin Alliance's other co-founder, Alexandra Devarenne, chimes in as well. For this reason, if you come across an oil that comes in both a bottle and a box, it's best to keep it in both until you're ready to use it. This is why you shouldn't leave your olive oil out in the open in the kitchen, but rather keep it in a dark, cool place like a pantry. It could go bad otherwise.

Furthermore, the North American Olive Oil Association recommends inspecting the olive oil container for symptoms of drips or leakage, dust on the bottle, a cracked or loose seal, or an orange colour to the oil.

2. Taste

It's a good idea to try a sample of olive oil before making a purchase. Learn under Devarenne's guidance and become an EVOO connoisseur. What's the sense in purchasing food if you don't enjoy the way it tastes? The aroma and flavour, she says, should be reminiscent of freshly picked olives: grassy, green, and sometimes delicious. Tastes like crayon or smells like stale walnuts are telltale signs of rancidity. (Um, delicious...)

"The integrity of your olive oil has been damaged if it exhibits any of these traits. It's either ancient, has been exposed to light or heat, or all three "Devarenne said.

And if the oil has a spicy, bitter, or pungent flavour, it's a good sign that it contains plenty of healthy phenols and polyphenols. "Pungency, a peppery quality in the throat, and bitterness, both typical of oils with a greener style, are signs of the presence of phenols. So, oils with bitter and peppery flavours have a greater polyphenol content ", Devarenne suggests.

"It goes well with a variety of dishes, and its fruity and peppery undertones may surprise you. You can tell if your EVOO has gone bad if it has a sour aftertaste, a terrible odour, or a horrible nutty smell. This may occur if the EVOO was left out in the open for too long or if oil was kept at too high a temperature "Daniel Angerer, chef at the Paleo-favorite Hu Kitchen, warns.

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Olive oil, like everything else on the shelves, has a "best by" date, and the earlier in the year you buy it, the better it will taste. Profaci says he won't purchase a bottle if there isn't a "best by" date clearly displayed on it. The firm guarantees that the oil within the bottle will remain extra-virgin until the end of the best by date, provided it is stored correctly. Without an expiration date, you might be buying stale olive oil (and who knows what else).

"The quality of olive oil increases with the inclusion of a "pressed on" or "harvest date," and the authenticity of the product increases when the name of the producer or estate appears, as does the identification of the olive variety. Give as much detail as possible "To which Marlowe explains.

4. Determine the kind of olive oil you have.

Additionally, virgin and extra-virgin olive oils are less refined and processed than ordinary and light olive oils, which may be a deciding factor in choosing which one to use. What are the telltale signs of refined oil vs crude oil? Light-tasting olive oil or olive oil without the virgin or extra-virgin qualifiers is likely to be refined or processed.

Do you know that extra-virgin olive oil isn't the finest for cooking? Well, you may use either virgin or extra-virgin oil without worry. In fact, the Olive Wellness Institute claims that extra-virgin olive oil may be used safely in the kitchen. The institute also notes that smoke point is not the greatest indicator of an oil's durability during cooking, citing a research in which many oils were examined. And when heated and used to cook in typical culinary scenarios, extra-virgin olive oil kept most of its antioxidant qualities intact.

Marlowe recommends that you keep an eye out for seals, which prove that a certain quality level has been attained. (She also claims that Australia has the world's highest quality standards.) She continues by saying that it is preferable to purchase organic varieties wherever feasible, as is the case with all other products.

5. Check the polyphenol content

The goal in selecting an excellent olive oil should be to choose the healthiest option available, right? One approach to identify whether a particular olive oil has a high concentration of polyphenols is to taste it on its own. You're seeking a certain combination of flavours, and... With a bitter, peppery, and sharp flavour. Although it may seem paradoxical, a sharper flavour in the oil is typically indicative of a higher concentration of polyphenols. While some products may list polyphenol content, Devarenne and Profaci note that there is currently no universally accepted method for doing so.

"Find oils with a strong bitter aftertaste. And they will be the ones with the highest phenol content, "asserts Devarenne. Of course, you needn't worry if you like an oil that doesn't have any kind of bite or peppery flavour; they, too, are just OK. However, "just because an oil doesn't have a high polyphenol count doesn't indicate it's of bad quality." "It may be really excellent and tasty oil; it just doesn't have the high polyphenol count."

In conclusion, read the label carefully to ensure that your extra-virgin olive oil is indeed extra-virgin (and bottle). Just as with wine, it might take some time to track down the perfect bottle, but the wait is always worthwhile.
