I don't remember all the details of my windows 2000 physical to esxi 6 virtual machine but it was not a one step conversion. It was something like use converter ver.4.01 to convert physical machine to highest level of vmdk file (for vmware workstation) that ver,4.01 has built into it. And then I used converter version 6 to convert that file to esxi virtual machine. I don't remember for sure But I think I may have had to also open the intermediary vmdk file in vmware workstation and do something with it before I could continue to the next step. My memory of this is sketchy but I do know It took me quite some time to get the whole thing converted and working on esxi. Hopefully an XP machine will be more straightforward.

I just used converter version 6.2 to convert a server 2003 R2 physical to virtual. It worked without a hitch. I believe server 2003 R2 is the same as XP SP3 is it not? you should be able to convert your XP computer using the latest version of converter.

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Hi Loai1975, that's good to know. probably had you first upgraded to XP SP3 it would have worked with a 6x version of converter. But its good to know that we still have a solution that works if for some reason you can't upgrade to SP3. Also good to know that it isn't as convoluted as it was for me to convert a win2k computer

How do you connect to that? I'm trying to find the previous dng converter version and came upon this link, but that ftp is user/pass locked. Is there somewhere to get previous versions of dng converter? I'm not talking years old...like a few versions back. Thanks

A general system error occurred: Not supported version: Unsupported version URI "urn:converter/7.0" while parsing SOAP body at line 6, column 0 while parsing SOAP envelope at line 2, column 0 while parsing HTTP request before method was determined at line 1, column 0.

Is it possible that an older version of the converter or its agent is installed inside the VM? If yes, uninstall it. The VMware Converter installs its own agent automatically if you connect to the machine with administrator credentials.

But if you prefer converter approach I would strongly recommend you using a 3rd party V2V converter by StarWind instead of VMwares. It's free and helped me a lot of times working with all the most commonly used VM formats: VMDK, VHD/VHDX, StarWind native IMG, QCOW. It works both ways, converting from and to any selected format, thus having better functionality than similar converters.

I'm a bit rusty on my vCenter converter usage and I have a hyper-v environment I'm trying to migrate to vSphere 7. When installing the vCenter converter agent to the Hyper-v servers (which VCC will ask for as you try to connect to each host), it fails on literally 5 out of 5 hosts (some win2016 some win2019). They all seem to install but fail to start the agent service.

The explanation is long-winded but to summarize, the OS is performing a CRL check of signed executables (vmwareconverter-a.exe for the VMWare converter agent service here) and there is no internet access so the CRL check fails. Because the timeout of the Service control manager is defaulted to 30s and the CRL check takes longer than 30s, the service won't start.

To make the conversion process easier, you can use a free standalone MagicDraw Project Converter. This converter is specifically designed to convert MagicDraw 9.x or earlier version projects to MagicDraw 17.0 projects.

I am attempting to generate a CAP file and an export file from the Wallet.java which comes standard in the Java Card SDK under the samples directory. I compile the class, use the converter and encounter the following:

The Java Card 2.2.2 converter supports at most the Java 5 class file format (hence it tells you that Java 6/version 50.0 is not supported). Thus, you need to specify the source compatibility/class file version when compiling the source code using newer JDK versions:

The models trained in TAO Toolkit are deployed to NVIDIA's Inference SDK's such as DeepStream, Riva etcvia TensorRT. NVIDIA TensorRT is an SDK for high-performance deep learning inference. TensorRT provides APIs and parsersto import trained models from all major deep learning frameworks. It then generates optimized runtime enginesdeployable in the datacenter as well as in automotive and embedded environments. To understand TensorRT and it'scapabilities better, refer to the official TensorRT documentation. While the conversational AI models trained using TAO Toolkit can be consumed via TensorRT only via Riva,the computer vision models trained by TAO Toolkit can be consumed by TensorRT, via the tao-converter tool. TheTAO Converter parses the exported .etlt model file, and generates an optimized TensorRT engine. These enginescan be generated to support inference at low precision, such as FP16 or INT8.

The TensorRT engines generated by this tao-converter are specific to the GPU that it was generated on. So,based on the platform that the model is being deployed to, you will need to download the specific version ofthe tao-converter and generate the engine there.

For an x86 platform with discrete GPUs, the default TAO package includes the tao-converterbuilt for TensorRT with CUDA 11.4 and CUDNN 8.2. However, for any other version of TensorRT,you may download using the command below:

During compilation I get the line Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02) and afterwards tex seems to stop compiling (even though it is still in compiling mode). My code is a slight alteration of what some other user poster here: Gantt chart package

Hi all, I hope I'm posting this in the right section.

I'm quite a newbie with Arduino. I'm playing a bit with the WiFi module ESP2866.

Checking some tutorial online, I've seen that some of them (e.g. Arduino Project Hub) do not use any 3.3V logic converter when interfacing Arduino with the ESP2866, while others use a logic convert (Arduino Project Hub) or a voltage regulator ( ESP8266 Arduino Code and 3.3V Schematic to Send and Receive Data ).

What is the right thing to do? As far as I understood the TX and RX pins on the Arduino board use 5V for the High signal, which could, therefore, be not ok for the ESP2866, since it works at 3.3V. However, so far I have been using it without logic converter or voltage regulator and I did not get anything "wrong".


Hi all, I hope I'm posting this in the right section.

I'm quite a newbie with Arduino. I'm playing a bit with the WiFi module ESP2866.

Checking some tutorial online, I've seen that some of them (e.g. Arduino Project Hub) do not use any 3.3V logic converter when interfacing Arduino with the ESP2866, while others use a logic convert (Arduino Project Hub) or a voltage regulator ( ESP8266 Arduino Code and 3.3V Schematic to Send and Receive Data ).

You are so right about Sansa Support. Sandisk is getting a bad name from this. However, the forum has provided some good hints for me that has led to my succeeding at NEARLY EVERYTHING. I can tell you what is need (free) and the steps for you to convert your videos so that the converter can process and store the video files. It works 100% for me and is only one additional step.

First try searching for ALL msgs from me iraisok. One of the msgs says you need to first convert your video using ANYVIDEOCONVERTER (free d/l) to MP4. The defaults are fine but you can up the audio to 128K as I have. Then feed that into the Sansa crapping 86MB media converter.

NOTE: The LABELVIEW Batch converter is unable to convert labels originally created in version 5 or older.

NOTE: The LABELVIEW Batch converter has been shown to provide improved results when both the new version and older version are both installed. If the old version is not currently installed or if your old version is not supported on the operating system that the newer software is installed on, download LABELVIEW version 8.6 here.

NOTE:  All labels must be approved. Until approved a notification will appear indicating that the label has not been approved each time the label is opened. This is the only location that allows for the rapid approval of multiple label files. Once the converter has been closed, this option to quickly approve multiple label files will not be available again.

If you need to communicate with an API that uses a content-format that Retrofit does not support out of the box (e.g. YAML, txt, custom format) or you wish to use a different library to implement an existing format, you can easily create your own converter. Create a class that extends the Converter.Factory class and pass in an instance when building your adapter.

Our PDF file converter does more than convert files to PDF. From compression and rotation to merging two different PDFs and splitting one PDF into two, you can easily edit your PDF files with our suite of tools in the blink of an eye.

The ActiveReports file converter allows you to upgrade your existing reports from previous versions of ActiveReports (ActiveReports 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 3, 2, and 1) to the latest version.

Enable or disable callback tracebacks.By default you will not get any tracebacks in user-defined functions,aggregates, converters, authorizer callbacks etc. If you want to debug them,you can call this function with flag set to True. Afterwards, youwill get tracebacks from callbacks on sys.stderr. Use Falseto disable the feature again.

Register the converter callable to convert SQLite objects of typetypename into a Python object of a specific type.The converter is invoked for all SQLite values of type typename;it is passed a bytes object and should return an object of thedesired Python type.Consult the parameter detect_types ofconnect() for information regarding how type detection works. 0852c4b9a8

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