SOUTHMOD resources


As noted on the page, "UNU-WIDER currently hosts thirteen models: seven models for countries in Africa (Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia), four in Latin America (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru), one in Southeast Asia (Viet Nam), and one for the island of Zanzibar, complementing models developed previously for South Africa and Namibia. The models are continuously updated and used for research and policy analysis by UNU-WIDER and partners. The project is based on joint work with the Southern African Social Policy Research Insights (SASPRI), the International Inequalities Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and national teams based in the countries for which the models are built."

Follow the steps in the link to request access to the SOUTHMOD bundle and input datasets for the models of interest.


This open-access course is ideal for anyone new to the field of microsimulation or those seeking to refresh their knowledge, catering specifically to users of the SOUTHMOD model family, which includes models for countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. The course structure includes 10 comprehensive modules featuring video lectures, multiple-choice questions, and practical modeling exercises. Participants who complete all modules and exercises will receive a SOUTHMOD Training Certificate. To participate effectively, you will need to download and use the latest version of the EUROMOD software, freely available online, and DEVMOD—a training model that uses fully synthetic data but resembles existing SOUTHMOD models.

Model info

Outlet: UNU-WIDER, 2024

Abstract: This document is a user manual for the harmonized SOUTHMOD model bundle, incorporating country models for Africa (Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, Rwanda, Mainland Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zanzibar); Latin America (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru); and Southeast Asia (Viet Nam). The manual complements the SOUTHMOD Modelling Conventions as well as Country Reports developed for each individual model. This manual is designed as an introductory guide for new users and a reference for those already familiar with the basic operations of SOUTHMOD models. The manual provides comprehensive instructions for using any of the country models for the first time, along with more complex tasks such as building new policies. The focus of the manual is on the technicalities of how to use the SOUTHMOD models in practice, rather than on the many processes that could be undertaken using the EUROMOD software more generally. The manual is shared publicly as a courtesy for any interested SOUTHMOD model users. Users should request access to the bundle, with access to input data for required country models, and download the newest release of the EUROMOD software. We also recommend that the relevant Country Reports and associated Data Requirement Documents (available from UNU-WIDER by request along with the model bundle) are studied carefully.

Citation: UNU-WIDER. SOUTHMOD User Manual, 3 March 2024. 

Outlet: UNU-WIDER, 2024

Abstract: This document provides the SOUTHMOD modelling conventions. Initially based on the EUROMOD modelling conventions, these modelling conventions have been amended and extended for use in a developing country context relevant to the collaboration between UNU-WIDER, ISER, SASPRI and national teams of the respective countries in the SOUTHMOD project. The guidance put forward in this document supports the process of building a model and its subsequent upkeep. It is shared publicly as a courtesy for any researcher who aspires to build his/her own model based on the freely available EUROMOD/SOUTHMOD software as part of the SOUTHMOD project or independently. For the quality of any model built in this context, it is crucial to carefully and systematically check the data going into the model and all elements of the model. This document strives to streamline conventions in terms of data and modelling across countries that are part of the SOUTHMOD project. Nevertheless, it is ultimately the responsibility of each person using the models to understand and make a careful decision regarding the extent of comparability of the models when applying them to his/her research question. We therefore strongly recommend that the country report and associated Data Requirement Document (DRD, available from UNU-WIDER upon request) are studied carefully and, if there are further questions, that UNU-WIDER is contacted for the Stata do-files creating the data which underpins the SOUTHMOD model(s).

Citation: UNU-WIDER. SOUTHMOD Modeling Conventions, 3 March 2024. 


Please find direct links to SOUTHMOD publications below, with research, technical, and policy notes available on the main page.

Model map


Get in touch at lastunen(at)