Presentation at the LASSO Annual Meeting is a privilege of LASSO members. Your membership for the current year must be active and registration fees must be paid in order for your name and presentation to be included in the final version of the Annual Meeting program (Aug. 30 update: if you are an undergraduate student presenter, your conference registration fees for this year have been waived. You LASSO membership should still be active. Please refer to the notification shared with presenters on 8/30 for more information)



Undergraduate students: Waived registration fee for undergraduate presenters

Graduate students: $35

High school teachers and adjunct professors: $35

Tenured and tenure-track professors: $60


Undergraduate students: Waived registration fee for undergraduate presenters

Graduate students: $40

High school teachers and adjunct professors: $40

Tenured and tenure-track professors: $75

register here:

(the links below will bring you to LASSO's website, from which you will be able to select your registration status and be directed to PayPal's payment application. If you don't have a PayPal account, choose the guest option on PayPal. Remember to also select the "renew membership" button if your membership status is not active)

Need to renew your lasso membership?

Presentation at the LASSO Annual Meeting is a privilege of LASSO members. Your membership for the current year must be active and registration fees must be paid in order for your name and presentation to be included in the final version of the Annual Meeting program.