About Us

The LASP Leadership is based at The Littlehampton Academy, Fitzalen Rd, Littlehampton,BN17 6FE and is lead by:Gareth Jones (gjones@tla.woodard.co.uk) and Sandy Fell (sfell@tla.woodard.co.uk)
In addition, the LASP team would not exist with out the many members of staff from the following schools primary schools:Arundel C of ESummerleaLyminsterWhite MeadowsSt Mary's RustingtonRiver BeachSt CatherinesCornfieldSt Philips
At times, we also have events at Angmering School and we are supported by Daniel Jenner (djenner@theangmeringschool.co.uk)
Website: inspireslasp@gmail.com