Working to elect Brian Laskey to Noblesville School Board

As a father of a kindergartner, Brian understands the importance of a quality schools, and as a human resource professional he sees the need for a well trained workforce to help grow our economy. He would use his seat to be an advocate, a resource, and a champion for our students, our teachers, school staff, and administrators.

Teacher Pay

Noblesville is a growing city, with an ever-growing population. We’re seeing our population increase 2.5% and thankfully home prices increase 5.5% yearly.

But Noblesville falls below 22 other districts when it comes to teacher pay.

When elected to the School Board, I would advocate for realistic teacher salaries, supply funds, and continuing education resources.

Trades vs College

Noblesville offers many rigorous academic programs, especially the High Ability and the high school’s Advance Placement and dual-credit programs, however, the district is still 3% under state average on Career readiness.

Not every student who graduates is interested in attending a traditional post-secondary school.

We need to assist them in learning skills that make them marketable, auto mechanics, electricians, child care workers, are all in demand careers, that require a certification, that we should help them see the value in.

When elected to the School Board, I would look to expand our career readiness past the JEL program at North Central, and look at creating apprenticeships with local businesses who need talent to create a homegrown talent pipeline.

STEAM Education

Focusing our attention and funds on STEAM will ensure that our students develop strong literacy, numeracy, and STEAM skills, and the life skills needed to thrive in the 21st century economy, including critical and creative thinking, leadership, and judgment and decision-making.

SEL Education

Some candidates are vilifying SEL education. However, after the pandemic, our students are behind on how to interact with one another. Which means as they enter the workforce, they're employees who do not know how to behave, how to serve, or how communicate.

SEL skills decrease aggression in students, bullying rates, dropout rates, improve overall achievement, and are qualities that employers look for when conducting interviews.

SEL is helps build a well rounded person.


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