Culinary Arts Pathway

The Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation sector provides students with the academic and technical preparation necessary to pursue high-skill, high-demand careers in these related and growing industries. Here at La Sierra High School, we are currently offering the Food Service and Hospitality Pathway (201).

What is a CTE Pathway?

A CTE pathway is a sequence of two or more CTE courses within a student’s area of career interest. Pathways are designed to connect high school classes to college, industry certifications, and/or a career.

CTE pathways are made up of introductory, concentrator and capstone courses. In order for a student to receive the full benefit of the courses and complete the pathways, all courses within the pathways must be completed.

Culinary Arts Pathway at La Sierra High School

Culinary Arts and Culinary Management are a part of a 2 year CTE Pathway sequence. In these classes, students will be provided with a comprehensive introduction to the industry of Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation. Training will focus on preparing students for real world application of job-related skills based on current and up to date industry standards. Students successfully completing the Culinary Arts Pathway at La Sierra will be equipped with the academic and the technical knowledge to thrive in their pursuit of college and career.

Career Technical Education (CTE) provides students with the academic and technical skills, knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners. In total, about 12.5 million high school and college students are enrolled in CTE across the nation. CTE prepares these learners for the world of work by introducing them to workplace competencies, and makes academic content accessible to students by providing it in a hands-on context. In fact, the high school graduation rate for CTE concentrators is about 90% – 15 percentage points higher than the national average.

The Hospitality, Tourism and Recreation sector provides students with the academic and technical preparation necessary to pursue high-skill, high-demand careers in these related and growing industries. The sector encompasses three distinct, yet interrelated, career pathways: Food Science, Dietetics, and Nutrition; Food Service and Hospitality; and Hospitality, Tourism and Recreation. The standards are designed to integrate academic and career technical concepts. The anchor standards include Consumer and Family Studies comprehensive technical knowledge and skills that prepare students for learning in the pathways. The knowledge and skills are acquired within a sequential, standards-based pathway program that integrates hands-on projects, work-based instruction and leadership development such as that offered through FHA-HERO, the California affiliate of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). Standards in this sector are designed to prepare students for technical training, postsecondary education and entry to a career.

Other CTE Courses and Pathways at La Sierra

LSHS Program Flyer - CTE Only