(LAtent, SEnsible, Radiation / Fluxes) 

For scientists and urban planners.

LASER/F example of 3D geometry in LOD 3

LASER/F is a simulation software  able to predict impacts of urban planning scenarios in the context of canicules and urban heat islands (UHI). It allows scientists and urban planners to simulate the urban microclimate on scenes of typical dimensions 500 m x 500 m, and with resolutions of a few square meters. It is based on physical equations to solve the energy balance of every urban fabric elements.

LASER/F makes it possible to study urban climate due to its sophisticated modeling capabilities that take into account the complex interactions between urban elements and atmospheric conditions. Here are some reasons why LASER/F is a suitable tool for studying urban climate:

In summary, LASER/F provides an integrated approach to modeling and understanding the complex interactions between urban features and atmospheric conditions, making it a valuable tool for studying urban climate.

Main elements simulated by LASER/F





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LASER /F is designed for urban planning and fundamental research in urban climatology. This software can in no case be:used, copied, duplicated, distributed, sold or assigned without the authorization of its designer. Any use of LASER/F must be subject to a prior request to its author.