Painless Root Canal Treatment in Delhi

If you are suffering from tooth pain and searching for a dentist for root canal treatment cost in Delhi, you have just landed at the right post. 

root canal treatment cost in Delhi

There are a number of myths associated with Root canal Treatment.  

Myth 1: Root Canal is a lengthy procedure requiring multiple sittings to complete. 

Fact: Over 99% root canals performed today are completed as a single-sitting procedure. 

Myth 2: Root canal treatment is highly painful. 

Fact: In expert hands, root canal is a completely painless procedure. 

The procedure of Root canal involves removal of vital pulp tissue from the tooth which is responsible for pain, hot/cold/sweet sensation in a tooth. This tissue normally resides deep inside a tooth. However, when it gets exposed to outer environment due to cavity or fracture of the tooth, it becomes a source of pain or sensitivity. The removal of this living tissue is mandatory in such cases to alleviate pain. 

No other procedure in dentistry has shown so much advancement as a root canal treatment. The introduction of rotary files and apex locators have not only reduced treatment time but at the same time has dramatically increased the success rate of the procedure. 

We also perform laser assisted root canal treatment in Delhi, a technique which very few clinics have. 

Another concern of most patients is the cost of root canal treatment in Delhi. The cost can vary depending on the type of tooth being treated (upper or lower, anterior or posterior, number of canals etc), type of armamentarium used (manual or rotary, laser assisted) and of course the skill and experience of the treating dentist. 

But remember that a properly done treatment can last you a lifetime while an incomplete treatment will be a source of problem every time. So if you value your teeth, approach an experienced dentist and get a proper treatment.