
Release notes

Laryngonaut Release Notes (Version 1.0.8) - January 18th, 2024:

This release involves two major new developments: (1) the beta version of the iOS version of Laryngonaut is ready for testing and (2) the app has been enhanced with simulation of vocal fold vibration and associated sound synthesis. Besides these, there are several other changes to note. Numerous enhancements have been made to the physiological correctness of the model, and the performance of the simulation has been improved. Fined-grained labels now appear when picking certain parts of the model to aid in anatomical feature identification. A "States of the Larynx" control panel has been implemented to allow the user to quickly move between postural configurations of the larynx that map onto a select range of phonetic-taxonomic categories, such as "breathy voice" and "glottal stop". The deformable-body physics simulation has been improved to reduce the chance of the epilaryngeal mucosa mesh self-intersecting. Please see below for further notes on technical issues and physiological correctness.

If you would like to be involved as an external tester of the iOS version, you can join the TestFlight for the iOS version of Laryngonaut by clicking here. Although it was not intended to be used as a desktop app, Laryngonaut works on macOS, but please take note of some of the technical issues below.

Please send any comments or questions to

Planned Features (@Version 1.0.8):

Known Technical Issues (@Version 1.0.8):

Known Issues Related to Physiological Correctness (@Version 1.0.8):

The physiological correctness of this version of Laryngonaut has been greatly improved with regard to the action of laryngeal muscles and their effect on laryngeal posturing in isolation and in combination with other muscles. This version should pose fewer difficulties if the intent is to use Laryngonaut as a teaching tool. A few issues still remain:

Laryngonaut Release Notes (Version 1.0.5) - September 20th, 2023:


Thank you for using Laryngonaut! The app has been released for Android and is considered functional but future updates are still anticipated. In particular, there are some unavoidable physiological inaccuracies associated with the current implementation of the physics engine and model geometry (see details below). As such, caution should be exercised when using the app for teaching or learning purposes. 

Your feedback is highly valued; please feel free to send videos or screenshots documenting your experience or any comments to


 Planned Features (@Version 1.0.5):

Known Technical Issues (@Version 1.0.5):

Known Issues Related to Physiological Correctness (@Version 1.0.5):

There are several issues with the physiological correctness of Laryngonaut resulting from the current developmental implementation of the model structures and the physics simulation. The muscles and connective tissues are not yet fully implemented, and there is currently no simulation of collision. The latter issue is especially important in accurate simulation of arytenoid motion. As a consequence, not all motions brought about by muscle actions are correct. The issues are as follows: