Diophantine Geometry:
towards the ultimate Bogomolov conjecture
From April 2021 until January 2023, I was a Marie Curie research fellow at the Department of Mathematical Sciences in Copenhagen and a member of its Algebra & Geometry section. From April 2022 until September 2022, I was on leave in order to administer a vacant chair (Algebra and Number Theory) at the University of Hannover while the project was paused.
I received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 101027237 (i.e., a Marie Curie Fellowship).
The main results have been published as follows:
(with Ziyang Gao and Tangli Ge) The Uniform Mordell-Lang Conjecture
submitted; arXiv preprintEquidistribution in Families of Abelian Varieties and Uniformity
submitted; arXiv preprint(with Fabrizio Barroero and Harry Schmidt) Unlikely intersections of curves with algebraic subgroups in semiabelian varieties
Sel. Math. New Ser. 29, 18 (2023), arXiv preprint, articleThe relative Bogomolov conjecture for fibered products of elliptic curves
J. Reine Angew. Math. 795 (2023), 243-270, arXiv preprint, article