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I am a PhD student at the University of Cologne at the Chair of Economics: Design and Behavior. I obtained my M.Sc. in Economics at the University of Bonn. Besides channeling my passion for economics with statistics, models and microeconomics I mostly work applied and mix it with practice. Real world applications can be found here

Email: larissa.fuchs@wiso.uni-koeln.de

Office: University of Cologne, Department of Economics, SSC, Universitätsstraße 22, 50937 Cologne, Germany

My research interests are as diverse as I hope the Economics profession to become. For the first two years of my Phd I have been working on a EU and efre.nrw funded project called FAIR in collaboration with candidate select towards the reduction of distrimination in the labor market using artificial intelligence. Currently, I am part of the Collaborative Research Center Transregio 224 that addresses three key societal challenges that are inherently interconnected, where my focus is on the promotion of equality of opportunity. My research revolves around the labor market, human capital and inequalities of all kind. It includes work on educational trajectories, the formation of beliefs in human capital development as well as gender inequalities in career trajectories. For more information see my CV

Besides having a gender focus in my research, this is not solely research to me but more of my everyday attitude and a matter that is very close to my heart. I am a Co-founder and Board member of the volunteer-run, non-profit association The Women in Economics Initiative e.V. that was established to advance gender equality in the field of economics. I might be biased but I think we do pretty cool stuff so I suggest you go check it out and become a member :)