Scopus Author ID:    6603764363

     Web of Science ResearcherID AAF-4655-2019

International Institute of Theoretical Physics (Trieste, Italy); Max Planck Institute (dresden, Germany),   International Institute of Biophysics (Neuss, Germany), Universities of Milan, Messina, Catania and Palermo (Italy); Universities of Durham and London (Great Britain); University of Kiel (Germany); University of Linkoeping (Sweden); Universities of Barcelona and Madrid (Spain).

2019 - Acting President of IILE (Wietow, Germany)

Since 2004 –  Member of the Ukrainian Physical Society, Ukraine 

Since 2000 –  Member of the Ukrainian Biophysical Society, Ukraine 

Since 2012 – Member of the Editorial Board of Ecological Modelling

1995 - 2012  Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, International Institute of Biophysics, Neuss, Germany

2022 - Guest Editor (together with A. Kovalev and A. Zagorodny) of the special Issue of the Low Temperature Physics  To the 110th birthday of Alexander Davydov” (2022, 48, Numbers 11 and 12)


Nonlinear coherent phenomena in condensed matter physics and biophysics; theoretical physics; biophysics

Conducting properties and electron-phonon interactions in low-dimensional systems, nanotubes, cuprates, anharmonic lattices. Interaction of solitons and bisolitons between themselves and with external fields. Solitons in two- and higher-dimensional systems. Nonlinear mechanisms of high-temperature superconductivity. 

Soliton mechanism for energy storage and transfer in macromolecules. Bisoliton mechanism of electron transport in biological macromolecules and polymers. Influence of electromagnetic radiations on biological systems. Mechanisms of the origin of endogenous electromagnetic fields. Role of the electromagnetic interactions and coherence in self-organization. 

Role of the spin degree of freedom in the electron properties, full description of the spin-orbit interaction with account of a complete set of the spinor invariants of the Dirac equation.

2000 – 2016 Number of Postdocs: 5; PhD: 4; Master Students: 4 (Physics Department/Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University/Ukraine, Physics Department/National University “Petro Mohyla Kiev Academy”/Ukraine, Physics Department / National University “KPI” (Kiev, Ukraine))

Prof. Leonor Cruzeiro. Topic: Dynamical properties of solitons. University of Algarve/ Portugal 

Prof. Emilio Del Giudice. Topic: Role of Electromagnetic Fields in living systems and ecological systems. University of Milan

Prof. Vadym Loktev, Dr. Alexander Eremko. Topics: Spin-orbit interaction; Solitons in low-dimensional systems. Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics/ Ukraine

Dr. Enrico Fermi. Topic: Therapeutic effects of low-intensity magnetic fields. Thereson

Dr. Alberto Foletti. Topic: Nonlinear dynamics in biophysical processes and their manifestations in health and disease. University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland/ Switz

Profs. Francesco Musumeci, Agata Scordino and Antonio Triglia, Dr. Rosaria Grasso. Topic: Polaron mechanism of the delayed luminescence of biological systems. University of Catania 

Prof. Fritz Albert Popp. Topic: Biophotons and electromagnetic fields in living systems. IIB/Germany

Prof. Manuel Velarde. Topic: Non-linear electron states in anharmonic crystals/ Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Prof. W.J.M. Zakrzewski and Dr. B.M.A.G. Piette. Topic: Solitons in low-dimensional systems/Department of Mathematical Sciences/ University of Durham, UK

Dr. Barbara Zavan. Topic: Study of physical mechanisms of magnetic resonance therapy/ Department of Histology, Microbiology, and Medical Biotechnology/ Università Degli Studi Di Padova, Italy


Since 1994  – organizer of the annual Davydov readings (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyiv, Ukraine)

Since February 2024 -- Co-organizer of the on-line Sweden-Ukraine seminars in Theoretical Physics

2019 A member of the International scientific advisory committee of the 12th International Conference ECOSUD 2019 (19-21 June, 2019, Valencia) 

2019 Scientific Secretary of the Bogolyubov Conference “Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics” dedicated to 110th anniversary of M.M. Bogolyubov (BITP, Kyiv, Ukraine, 24-26 September, 2019) 

2018  Member of the Scientific Committee of the 5th International Symposium “Biophysical Aspects of Complexity in Health and Disease”, Milano, October 12-13, 2018 

2017 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Workshop “Invisible Net of Life” (November 3-4, 2018, Florence, 2017) 

2017 Member of the scientific committee of the International Conference «Light on the Architercture of Life — LACE17» (11-15 September 2017, Siracusa, Sicily, 2017) 

2016 Member of the Scientific Committee of the 4th International Symposium “Biophysical Aspects of Complexity in Health and Disease”, Lugano, October 21-22, 2016 /Switzerland

2015 Member of the International scientific advisory committee of the International Conference ECOSUD, June 3-5, 2015 Valencia 

2014 Member of the Scientific Committee of the 3d International Symposium “Biophysical Aspects of Complexity in Health and Disease”, Lugano, October 3-4, 2014 /Switzerland

2012 Member of the Scientific Committee of the 2nd International Symposium “Biophysical Aspects of Complexity in Health and Disease”, Lugano, May 18-19, 2012 /Switzerland

2012 Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference ‘Problems of Theoretical Physics’, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Alexander Davydov’s (Kyiv, October 8-12, 2012)/Ukraine

2010 Member of the Scientific Committee of the 1st International Symposium “Biophysical Aspects of Complexity in Health and Disease”, Milano, April 2010 

2005 – 2010 Member of the International Scientific Committees of the annual International Summerchools “Biophotons”, organized by International Institute of Biophysics, Neuss/ Germany

2008 Member of the International Scientific Committee of the International Symposium "Endogenous Physical Fields in Biology" (Prague, July 1-4, 2008)/Czech Republic)

2007 Member of the International Scientific Committee of the International Conference “Fundamental Nanoprocesses, Nanobiotechnology and Risk Assessment”, St. Petersburg, July 2008 /Russia Federation

2007  Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference “Self-Organization of Molecular Systems: From Molecules and Clusters to Nanotubes and Proteins, dedicated to 95 years since birthday of A.S. Davydov” (Kyiv, September 2007)/Ukraine

2006 Member of the International Scientific Committee of the International Symposium "Endogenous Physical Fields in Biology" (Prague, July, 2006)/ Country: Czech Republic


Principal Investigator of the Presidential Discretionary-Ukraine Support grant of the Simons Foundation (2022-2023; 2024-2025)

2000-2005 -- Key Researcher of the Welcome Trust grant at Birkbeck College, University of London (London, UK); two Royal Society grants at Durham University (Durham, UK); 4 research grants at the University of Madrid (Spain).