Signup form

Signup form & privacy policy:

This signup form lets you sign up for three things: 1) general email notifications & periodic newsletter, 2) volunteer for event projects, 3) accept texts to your phone. The last two choices are optional. If you volunteer for event projects, you will be placed on a second email for Volunteer Projects. Neither of these email lists are very active -- so don't worry about being overwhelmed with yet more emails!

We do not share this data with anyone else in any case. An optional choice, texts will be rarely sent, and only for short term events that are occurring on too short notice for email.

You can update your preferences or data at any time by submitting this form again; your email is used to identify you. If you change your email address, unsubscribe using that email, then resubscribe here using your new email address.

IF YOU WISH TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM ALL EMAILS: click the unsubscribe link in the bottom on any email you receive from us. You cannot unsubscribe from email here.