Simple C Program On Library Management


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How to Write a Simple C Program on Library Management

Library management is a common task that involves keeping track of books, borrowers, and transactions in a library. A simple C program can help you perform this task efficiently and easily. In this article, we will show you how to write a simple C program on library management using basic concepts such as arrays, structures, functions, and files.

Steps to Write a Simple C Program on Library Management

To write a simple C program on library management, you need to follow these steps:

Define the data structures for books, borrowers, and transactions. You can use arrays of structures to store the information of each entity. For example, you can define a structure for books as follows:

struct book {

  int id; // book id

  char title[50]; // book title

  char author[50]; // book author

  int copies; // number of copies available


Declare the global variables and constants for the program. You can use macros to define the constants such as the maximum number of books, borrowers, and transactions. You can also declare the arrays of structures as global variables so that they can be accessed by any function in the program. For example, you can declare the global variables and constants as follows:

#define MAX_BOOKS 100 // maximum number of books

#define MAX_BORROWERS 50 // maximum number of borrowers

#define MAX_TRANSACTIONS 200 // maximum number of transactions

struct book books[MAX_BOOKS]; // array of books

struct borrower borrowers[MAX_BORROWERS]; // array of borrowers

struct transaction transactions[MAX_TRANSACTIONS]; // array of transactions

int book_count = 0; // number of books in the library

int borrower_count = 0; // number of borrowers in the library

int transaction_count = 0; // number of transactions in the library

Write the functions for the main operations of the program. You can write functions for adding, deleting, searching, displaying, and modifying books, borrowers, and transactions. You can also write functions for issuing and returning books. You can use file operations to read and write the data from and to a text file. For example, you can write a function for adding a book as follows:

void add_book() {

  struct book b; // temporary variable to store book details

  FILE *fp; // file pointer

  // open the file in append mode

  fp = fopen("books.txt", "a");

  // check if the file is opened successfully

  if (fp == NULL) {

    printf("Error opening file.\n");



  // check if the library is full

  if (book_count == MAX_BOOKS) {

    printf("Library is full. Cannot add more books.\n");



  // get the book details from the user

  printf("Enter book id: ");

  scanf("%d", &;

  printf("Enter book title: ");

  scanf("%s", b.title);

  printf("Enter book author: ");


  printf("Enter number of copies: ");

  scanf("%d", &b.copies);

  // write the book details to the file

  fprintf(fp, "%d %s %s %d\n",, b.title,, b.copies);

  // close the file


  // add the book to the array

  books[book_count] = b;

  // increment the book count


  // display a success message

  printf("Book added successfully.\n");


Write the main function for the program. You can use a switch-case statement to display a menu of options for the user and call the appropriate functions based on the user's choice. You can also use a loop to repeat the menu until the user exits the program. For example, you can write the main function as follows:

int main() {

  int choice; // variable to store user's choice

  // display a welcome message

  printf("Welcome to Library Management System.\n");

  // read the data from the file


  // repeat until user exits

  do {

    // display a menu of options

    printf("\nMenu:\n"); 66dfd1ed39

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