Popular Assistive Technology for College Students

Student with textbook and laptop.

Reading Aloud

Hard Copies of Textbooks: 

Online Textbooks and Materials: 


Canvas and Textbook PDFs in Canvas: 

Students with Vision Impairments:

Students in class taking notes.


Echo Pen (pdf)--Pen that records lectures and syncs recording with handwritten notes.

Voice Memo (IOS) (pdf)--Record lectures on your iPhone/iPad

Android Recording Apps--Recording apps for Android devices.

Otter--App that records and transcribes.

Messenger Pigeon is a note-taking/recording app that provides professionally typed notes. 

Peer Note Taking: If eligible, you may request a peer notetaker.

Google Voice Typing (pdf), Office 365 Dictate, Windows Touch Keyboard Microphone and  Mac Dictation--Type using your voice.

VoiceOver, JAWS, and NVDA--Screen readers for students with vision impairment.

Student looking at textbook.

Study Skills

SQR3--A reading method that promotes enhanced learning of reading material.

Quizlet—Electronic flashcards with built-in text-to-speech.

Cornell Note-Taking Method (CNT) Video and CNT template—CNT can be utilized for taking notes while reading or in class.

Tips to creating flashcards--Make your own flashcards for deeper learning

Study Smarter, Not Harder--Tips to studying more efficiently.

Time-Management--Tips to using a calendar for managing your study time.

Learn More About Assistive Technology: 

To learn more about assistive technology, please feel free to peruse this website, email seaston@hancockcollege.edu, or make a training appointment by calling 805-922-6966 ext. 3274.

Remember to check out BookShare, NLS,  Learning Ally, etc. for free textbooks and Sensus Access for converting electronic materials.