Laos Vacation Packages

Explore Laos Vacation Packages And Luang Prabang Tour Information

Laos, Southeast Asia's secret treasure, combines natural beauty, rich culture, and a peaceful atmosphere. At Lao Travel Links, we provide a variety of holiday packages to fulfill any traveler's wish. Whether you're looking for adventure, cultural immersion, or a calm retreat, our skillfully planned trips will provide an amazing experience.

Top attractions in Luang Prabang:

Wat Xieng Thong: This magnificent temple is a Lao architectural marvel, with delicate mosaics and soaring rooflines that make it a must-see.

Mount Phousi: Climb the 355 steps to the peak for breathtaking views of the city and the Mekong River, especially at sunrise or sunset.

Kuang Si Falls: Just a short drive from the city, these multi-tiered waterfalls include crystal-clear pools ideal for a relaxing dip and spectacular photo possibilities.

Night Market: Immerse yourself in local culture by visiting the bustling night market, which sells homemade gifts, textiles, and excellent street food.

Personalized Vacation Packages

At Lao Travel Links, we recognize that each traveler has different tastes and interests. Our Laos vacation packages are intended to deliver a full Laos experience while allowing for individual additions.

Popular packages include the Cultural Heritage Tour, which explores the history and traditions of Laos through visits to old temples, villages, and cultural monuments. This package often includes escorted excursions to Luang Prabang, Vientiane, and the Plain of Jars.

Nature & Adventure Package: This package caters to the adventurous spirit, with activities like hiking through the lush highlands, cave exploration, and witnessing the spectacular grandeur of Laos' national parks and waterfalls.

Relaxation Retreat: Unwind in the tranquil landscape of Laos. Enjoy leisurely river cruises, spa treatments, and stays at exquisite resorts that provide a calm respite from the rush and bustle of daily life.

Book Your Laos Adventure Today!


Are you looking for Luang Prabang tour info? With our deep local expertise and dedication to providing great service, Lao Travel Links is the right partner for a memorable Laos holiday. Visit our website, Lao Travel Links, to view our holiday packages and begin organizing your trip to this lovely country. Accept the charm of Laos and make memories that will last a lifetime.