Lamp Edge

Privacy Policy

At Lame Edge, we are committed to protecting the privacy of our users. Your privacy and personal data are our top priority. When you install our Android app our first aim is to protect your personal data and your privacy. We understand the importance of safeguarding your personal information when using our Android app. Our commitment is to provide you with a secure and customized experience that meets your needs and requests. Our privacy policy explains the use of your information and protection practices to secure your data.

By installing our apps on your mobile device and accessing or using them, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this privacy policy. This includes the possible collection and processing of your information, as well as consenting to the use of cookies and other tracking technologies on your device. It's important to note that if you or your legal guardian disagree with any term provided in this policy, you must not install, access, or use our apps and We kindly request that you promptly delete them and any related data from your mobile device.

What information we collect:

Our goal is to ensure your privacy and provide you with a seamless and personalized experience. To achieve this, we collect certain information that allows us to deliver Services and features that better meet your needs or requests. We do not collect any Personal Information, which includes personally identifiable information such as your name, email address, physical address, calendar entries, contact entries, files, photos, etc. Instead, we collect Non-Personal Information that is of an anonymous nature, such as the type of mobile device you use, your mobile device's unique device ID, the IP address of your mobile device, your mobile operating system, and information about the way you use our Apps. This helps us to monitor and improve our Services and to perform analyses of user behavior and demographics.

How we use the information we collect:

Personal Information:

We do not collect or use any Personal Information in any way.

Non-personal Information:

We primarily use non-personal information to internally monitor and improve our Services, analyze user behavior, measure user demographics and interests, describe our services to third parties such as advertisers, and determine how and where best to allocate our resources. We do not combine Non-Personal Information with Personal Information.

Information Sharing: How We Share the Information We Collect

Personal Information:

We want to assure you that we take your privacy very seriously. Therefore, we do NOT collect or share any personal information in any way.

Non-Personal Information:

In order to provide a better user experience, we accept advertisements from Third Party ad networks that may be displayed in our Apps. To develop and deliver targeted advertising in the Apps, we may share certain non-personal information with third-party advertisers, ad networks, and ad platforms ("Advertising Entities"). This information includes your device identifier, device type, device brand, device model, network type, device language, and IP address.

Additionally, we may allow Advertising Entities to collect non-personal information within the Services, which they may share with us. This information may include how many times an advertisement is shown, how long an advertisement is viewed, and any click-throughs of an advertisement. This information helps us to better understand how the advertising is performing and to optimize the user experience.

Rest assured that the non-personal information collected by the Advertising Entities is not linked to any personal information that we may collect. We believe in providing transparency to our users, and we strive to ensure that all information sharing practices are clearly explained.

Links to Third-Party Websites and Services:

Our Apps may contain links to other websites and online services, including third-party advertisements. Please note that if you choose to click through to one of these other websites or online services, any information you may provide will be subject to the privacy policy and other terms and conditions of that website or service, and not to our Privacy Policy.

We do not control third-party websites or services, and the appearance of a link to such a website or service in our Apps does not indicate that we endorse them or have approved their policies or practices relating to user information. Therefore, we encourage you to review the privacy policy and other terms and conditions of any third-party website or service before providing any information. You agree that Mobile Flame will have no liability for any matters relating to a third-party website or service that you provide information to, including their collection and handling of that information.

Children's Privacy:

We take the privacy of children very seriously and have a strict policy against collecting personal information from children under the age of 13. Our commitment to protecting children's privacy is unwavering, and we do everything in our power to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If we become aware that we have inadvertently collected personal information from a child under the age of 13, we take immediate steps to delete the information.

If you have any suggestions, feedback or requests, 

email us at