Mohamed-Lamine Messaci
I am a Temporary Teaching and Research Assistant at Cergy Paris université. I defended my PhD thesis in December 2023, under the supervision of Indira Chatterji at the university of Côte d'Azur.
My research interest belongs mainly to the realm of geometric group theory. More specifically, it concerns group action on median spaces and CAT(0) cube complexes. I am also interested in hyperbolic geometry and Teichmuller theory.
You can find my CV here.
Email: messaci(at)unice(dot)fr
``Asymptotic behavior of Moncrief Lines in constant curvature space-times" with M. Belraouti and A. Mesbah, arXiv:2406.12557, 2024, to appear in Bull. London Math. Soc.
``Isometric actions on locally compact finite rank median spaces", arXiv:2309.10760, 2023, to appear in Groups, Geometry and Dynamics.
PhD thesis: Median spaces.
Supervised by Prof. Indira Chatterji and defended on December 18th 2023 at Université Côte d'Azur.
Workshops and Conferences:
Winter School Côte d’Azur, Université côte d'Azur, January 2025.
Arbre de nöel , Université d'Orléans, December 2024.
Actions of Large Groups, Geometric Structures, and the Zimmer Program , Institut Henri Poincaré, June 2024.
Research school ``Group Actions and Rigidity: Around the Zimmer Program", CIRM, April 2024.
Young Geometric Group Theory XII, University of Bristol, April 2024.
Paroles aux jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs du réseau Platon, Institut Fourier, November 2023.
High Dimensional Expanders, Ghent University, May 2023.
Metric Geometry and Geometric Analysis, Oxford University, July 2022.
Geometric Group Theory and Low Dimensional Topology, ICMAT Madrid, April-May 2022.
Group Acting on Fractals, CIRM Marseille, April 2022.
Homological and Topological Methods in Group Theory, Bielfeld University, March-April 2022.
Arbre de nöel , Université d'Orléans, December 2024.
Séminaire de Géométrie et Dynamique, Cergy-Paris Université, November 2024.
Séminaire Gaston Darboux, Université de Montpellier, September 2024.
Fudan Topology Seminar, Fudan University, Mai 2024.
Séminaire de Théorie Ergodique, Institut de Recherche Mathématique de Rennes, Mai 2024.
Geometry and Dynamics Seminar, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Avril 2024.
Séminaire Groupes et Actions, Laboratoire de Mathématique d'Orsay, Avril 2024.
Séminaire de Géométrie et Topologie, Institut de Mathématique de Toulouse, February 2024.
Séminaire virtuel francophone Groupe et Géométrie, Virtual Seminar, January 2024.
Geometry, Groups and Dynamics Seminar, ENS Lyon, November 2023.
Tassili Sunday Math Seminar, Virtual Seminar, June 2023.