November 18, 2021

11:45 AM - 4:00 PM

Discover My Major Day

Come explore, learn and decide on your major and career!

Join us for

LA Mission College's Career Center

Virtual Discover My Major Day!

This is an opportunity for both student and faculty to connect and discuss majors and careers. Attend a 30-minute presentation on a major and explore the certificates, associates degree programs we offer, as well as learn about our new Career and Academic Pathways (CAPs). Then meet with real life industry professionals who have made it in their careers! Come meet them and ask them your questions.

Open to Community College & High School students!

Use the navigation on the left to view the speakers for this event.


  1. Welcome: 11:45-12:00 PM

Start here

12:00 PM- 1:00 PM

Available anytime

  1. Counseling: Schedule your appointment with a Counselor to create your Student Education Plan:

  1. Career Counseling Center :If you are undecided about your major and want to explore career and majors book an appointment with the Career Counselor:

Welcome Hub

Please click on the button below to get started and enter our Zoom community for the Discover My Major Day!

We look forward to seeing you on Zoom!

10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Start your day in the Welcome Hub!

Download and save this worksheet on your computer and use it throughout the day to take notes from the sessions you will attend. Ask your professors if you can submit a completed worksheet for extra credit!

Discover My Major Form FINAL 11.16.20.pdf

Once you have attended all the sessions, fill out the survey to be entered into a raffle and win prizes!

Learn how to apply for the Emergency Grant + Tech Devices. To be eligible, you must:

  1. Attend all sessions

  2. Fill out “Discover my Major Worksheet.”

  3. Submit Student Survey

Eligibility for LAMC students only, dual enrolled students do not qualify. Click on the button above to learn more from 12:30-3pm.

LAMC Professor/ Major Presentations

Explore the Career and Academic Pathways(CAPs)

11:45 AM to 1:15 PM

The Professionals

& University Professors

Meet with an industry professional or university professor in your field of interest and use the worksheet to ask them questions.

12:45 PM - 1:45 PM

Meet with a Counselor

Meet with a Counselor to help you update or complete a Student Ed Plan.

12:30 PM- 3:00 PM

Click here to join the Counseling Session