Club Notices and Reminders 

Archery Hunters:       Oct. 4 (Fri.) - 12 (Sat.) Archers have rented the Club House.

Running Deer Shoot: Oct. 13, 20 and 27; Nov. 3, 10 and 17 (all are Sunday @ 10:00am).

                                     This is only open to firearms that are legal in PA to harvest deer.

                                     Cost is $3.00 a round. Winner will split the pot.

                                     😀 The kitchen will be open for breakfast starting @ 9:00am 😀

                                     Contact Brian Laudermilch at 570-447-7224 for more information.

Bench Rest Shoot:     Oct. 27 (Sun.) @1:00pm. Benchrest 22LR shoot following Running Deer.

Site In Day:                  Oct. 29. The club and the range will open at 9:30am. 

Safe Hunting Tips:      Scroll down the page that is linked here.