
Opening Keynote with Rachel Levine

Rachel Levine is the Missing Maps Program Coordinator for the American Red Cross, where she has worked for the last 5 years. Before earning her MA in Activism and Social Change at the University of Leeds, she worked for the US Census Bureau. When she isn’t mapping she can be found hiking or hanging out in parks.

Closing Keynote: Ben Welsh

Ben Welsh is the editor of the Data and Graphics Department, a team of reporters and computer programmers who collect, organize, analyze and present large amounts of information.

Welsh has contributed to projects that have won the Pulitzer Prize, the Library of Congress’ Innovation Award, a Knight News Challenge grant and numerous other prizes for investigative reporting, digital design and online journalism.

He is also a co-founder of the California Civic Data Coalition, a network of journalists and computer programmers dedicated to opening up public data, and the leader of PastPages, an open-source effort to archive digital news.

Humanitarian Mapping 101

James Walker

Open Street Map and Python

Use Python to import Open Street Map data (buildings) and create stunning map based visualizations inside a Jupyter Notebook environment.

Course material can be found here:

Open Data and Tableau

You can do this! Tableau makes data visualization software free for registered students and a great way to explore and share your data as you work through your analysis or interpretation. Explore interactive features, create maps, charts, and graphs. You will learn how to tap into open data repositories as a way to refine your research questions. Joy Guey (Social Sciences Center for Education, Research, and Technology) and Zoe Borovsky (UCLA Library) will show you how to layer maps utilizing open-source data from IPUMs and Los Angeles County.


GIS and R

An introduction to R and RStudio for GIS and mapping, especially working with more current census data and your own .CSV data files. This workshop uses a RNotebook file that contains all the code and instructions of getting a basic introduction to some libraries that will help you get started using RStudio. You will learn how to download data from the Decennial Census and the American Community Survey, create simple faceted maps and tables, create interactive maps, create spatial objects for use in RStudio, and create Shapefiles for use in QGIS and other mapping software.


Intro to QGIS

This workshop applies some basic spatial analysis tools to find out the suitable apartments for students. The objectives of the workshops are being familiar with QGIS layout, being able to use basic spatial analysis tools (e.g., buffer, clip, join attribute tables), changing layers’ properties, and making maps.
