4th Annual Humanitarian Mapathon

with USC and UCLA


Click on the button above to register and get the mapathon zoom link

For the duration of the three day mapathon, our slack channel will be monitored by the friendly mapathon "experts." Join the channel to say hi, meet other mapathoner's, and ask us questions.

Check out the mapathon leaderboard!

Note that the leaderboard may take time (sometimes hours) to reflect the most recent changes.

About the mapathon...

Welcome to our 4th annual humanitarian mapathon with USC and UCLA. We are so excited to share that this year we have expanded our mapathon to a full 3 day event.

We will kick things off on Wednesday, October 28th with a special welcome and training. Mappers will then have till Thursday night at midnight to be a part of our humanitarian mapathon.

In addition to contributing to humanitarian projects around the world participants are welcome to join us for a series of workshops on Thursday October 29th.

Finally, we will bring the event to a close with a special keynote speaker, Ben Welsh from the Los Angeles Times, on Friday at 10am. And, of course, we will share the results of our humanitarian mapathon, including top mappers as well as our total contribution.

Day 1: Wednesday October 28


Welcome remarks from Yoh Kawano at UCLA and Andy Rutkowski at USC.


Humanitarian Mapping 101 (James Walker)

10:30 Mapathon Training (Andy + Laura)

11:00 Rachel Levine

Missing Maps Program Coordinator for the American Red Cross

12:30 Mapathon Training (Andy + Laura)
2:30 Mapathon Training (Laura + Dairon)
4:30 Mapathon Training (Andy + Laura)

Hands on training throughout the day. If you miss the first training come back at any of the times listed above.

Day 2: A Day of Workshops

9:00 Open Street Map and Python

11:00 Mapping in Tableau

1:00 GIS with R

3:00 Intro to QGIS

Day 3: Results and closing Keynote with LA Times Ben Welsh

Ben Welsh is the editor of the Data and Graphics Department, a team of reporters and computer programmers who collect, organize, analyze and present large amounts of information.

Welsh has contributed to projects that have won the Pulitzer Prize, the Library of Congress’ Innovation Award, a Knight News Challenge grant and numerous other prizes for investigative reporting, digital design and online journalism.

He is also a co-founder of the California Civic Data Coalition, a network of journalists and computer programmers dedicated to opening up public data, and the leader of PastPages, an open-source effort to archive digital news.

Welsh is originally from Swisher, Iowa. He welcomes tips at ben.welsh@latimes.com, on Signal at (626) 382-6910 or via Keybase.


A Conversation with Ben Welsh


The Big Reveal and Celebratory Remarks
