Minutes of the Board Meetings

Lake Lorain B0ard Meeting May 29, 2022 pdf.pdf
Lake Lorain Annual Meeting July 3, 2021 pdf.pdf

Lake Lorain Board of Directors Meeting

Sept 6, 2021

Attendees: Bill Cullen, Mike Misner, Bill Monahan, Ron Grambo (guest), MaryAlice Natishak, Barbara Sprovkin, Kristin Rittenhouse

· Meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM by the vice president Mike Misner

· The weather is sunny and cool at 65 degrees.

· The meeting was held on the Bauer deck.

· Mike Misner paid tribute to Lee and we observed a moment of silence in her memory.

· The minutes of the last board meeting were read and approved.

· An election of officers was held.

Mike Misner – President

Bill Monahan – Vice President

MaryAlice Natishak – Recording Secretary

Bill Cullen – Treasurer

  • · The Treasurer’s Report was read and approved. The balance in the treasury is $7250.73 Como Construction was paid $10500.00 for road work and Pykas was paid 298.94 for stone. Four people have not paid their dues.

  • · The Sunshine Fund has a balance of 963.26. A contribution will be made to the Children’s Specialized Hospital in Mountainside, NJ in memory of Lee Vroom and a contribution will also be made in memory of Ed Juba, who also passed away.

  • · A question was asked about who filled the potholes around the lake. They were filled by Ralph Grambo and Mike Natishak. Thank you to both for your hard work. Ron Grambo said Ralph really appreciates help with the road maintenance and grass cutting.

  • · Mike Misner said he would like to find Lee’s black binder. He is looking for the information about the creation of the association. Ron will check at Ralph’s house. Ron also said they gave Lee’s belongings to her daughter. Mike will try to contact her family about the documents.

  • · We will have a Fall Cleanup Day at the lake on Columbus Weekend. The tentative day is Sunday morning. Overhanging branches will trimmed around the road, and road and ditch maintenance will also be done. Everyone’s help is greatly appreciated. We will also plan a cleanup day in the spring. It will be on the Saturday morning of Memorial Day weekend.

  • · The Children’s Fishing Derby will take place again next year. Children under 16 can participate if they know how to fish. The Derby will be organized by Jeff Sprovkin and Michael Natishak. We will contact Marty to see if there are any prizes left and the Sunshine Fund will also provide prizes. Prize donation will be accepted. It will be held at the Sprovkin home. The Derby will be held on Saturday morning of July 4th weekend from 9-11 with the Annual Meeting and barbecue to follow. We are looking for someone to host the Annual Meeting and barbecue.

  • · The Association will send a letter to its members in March. We will advertise the spring road cleanup day set for Memorial weekend. We will also ask for a volunteer to host the Annual Meeting and barbecue. The Fishing tournament will also be included.

  • · Ron Grambo volunteered to set up a web page for the Cottager’s Association so that we don’t have to send out as much paper mail. The web address will be included in the March mailing. We will post the newsletter and all relevant Association business on the web page.

  • · Ron also told us that Lake Lorain will be preserved as it is if anything should happen to him or to Ralph. He indicated that he wanted his children and grandchildren to enjoy the legacy. The lake and land are registered under Clean and Green.

  • · Kristin brought up the new bushes and grass that are multiplying in the lake. Ron gave his permission to have the lake checked to see if they pose a problem. Krsitin will contact Bill Swartz to see if he can recommend someone for the job since he works for the PA DEC. We will get an estimate on cost before proceeding. Since this falls under the Association’s duties in the by-laws to protect the lake, we feel we can pay for it from the dues money.

  • · There was also a question about stocking the lake. We discussed possibly stocking some fish each year paid for by the Sunshine Fund and private donations. Barbara will contact Bill Owens about this and try to get an estimate and more information.

  • · Barbara Sprovkin made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Kristin Rittenhouse.

Respectfully submitted by MaryAlice Natishak, Recording Secretary