

Key Dates:
Submission - December 16 AOE
Notifications - January 13 AOE

Application process:

This workshop is ideal for those interested in building their leadership capabilities in the field of AI and LA. The workshop is designed to equip future leaders with the skills and know-how to transition LA and AI innovations into mainstream practice. The workshop will challenge current leadership models and pose new frameworks to help existing and emerging leaders navigate the complexity of LA and AI. If you are engaged in LA and AI initiatives and looking to develop your leadership skills we invite you to apply, regardless of your specific organizational leadership role.

Proposal Format & Submission Process:

To apply to the LA and AI Leadership Academy applicants need to address the following points in a maximum of one page. Applications should be submitted via easychair here:

1. Provide a summary of your academic/ industry background and workplace context

2. Detail your stage of career and future leadership ambitions

3. Given your role, what are the leadership challenges you see yourself facing over the short and mid term?

4. Describe your personal goals for the workshop

Review Process

The LA and AI Academy chairs will review all applications. Participants will be selected on the basis of:

1. Overall fit for the leadership program based on current or planned institutional leadership roles

2. Future goals for LA and AI leadership

3. Representativeness of the broader LA community to reflect our diversity