La Jolla HVAC Contractors Association

LJHCA Shares Pointers on When to Upgrade HVAC

The La Jolla HVAC Contractors Association (LJHCA) has shared to new homeowners, pointers as to when to upgrade their home Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System. In a gathering of new homeowners in one exclusive community in La Jolla, the LJHCA discussed guidelines, as well as signs as to when a system could be ripe for an upgrade.

“Most homeowners are unaware of the age of their HVAC system, now are they conscious about the red flags that they should watch out for that call for an immediate replacement. In the same breath, they as ordinary homeowners, are not also aware when a simple repair could address the issue,” says Phil Thompson, President of the LJHCA.

Thompson says since HVAC Units are basically an investment, it should be well taken cared of through routine maintenance. “If ever there is something off about the system, owners should take it upon themselves to call a professional, and never undertake self-troubleshooting,” adds Thompson.

According to the LJHCA the main thing that could determine whether there is a need to upgrade the existing system is the unit’s age. “If it is way past 15 years then definitely, you are incurring more heating and air conditioning charges than you should because the older units require more power to operate versus the newer ones. The problem though is that homeowners who may have bought a house are usually unaware as to the exact number of years of operation of an HVAC unit. So in that case they should have a professional come over if they are wondering about an upgrade,” explains Thompson.

Apart from HVAC age, Thompson says increase in heating and air conditioning bills should also be a sign that one should look into the possibility of upgrading their current unit. “For those who are not familiar of the age of their HVAC unit, increasing bill without changes in consumption pattern should be a one of the signs to watch out for,” says Thompson.

American Home Shield has explained how ageing remains a critical factor in upgrading an HVAC system. In their explanation they mentioned that the high efficiency of a newer system could return gains through lower electricity bills. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers

“All AC units have a SEER or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. Today, the minimum SEER is 13, but if your AC was manufactured before 2006, chances are it’s only rated at a 10. Just by upgrading to the current minimum, you’ll gain at least three points on the SEER scale. Each SEER number you go up increases energy efficiency by 5 to 9 percent, so that a 15 to 27 percent boost immediately puts money in your pocket in the form of energy savings. “

Check out their full write-up here.

HVAC upgrades can indeed be beneficial.

Reliable Standard Heating & Air La Jolla

1636 Caminito Solidago La Jolla, CA 92037
