Guillermo López Lagomasino

Departamento de Matemáticas
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


  1. C. Mutafian, G. López Lagomasino et al.. Algebra multilineal. Ed. Pueblo y Educación, La Habana, Cuba, 1974.

  2. A. Gómez, F. Guerra, M. Jiménez, G. López Lagomasino, Eds.. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Approximation and Optimization. Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 1354, Springer Verlag, N. York, 1988.

  3. J.Guddat, M. Jiménez, H. T. Jongen, G. López Lagomasino, Eds.. Proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Approximation and Optimization. Peter-Lang Series in Approximation and Optimization, 8, Springer, Berlin, 1995

  4. M.Alfaro, R. Alvarez-Nodarse, and G. López Lagomasino, F. Marcellán, Editors. Orthogonal Polynomials in Mathematical Physics. Proceedings workshop held at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Leganés.1996. MR# 98b:33001. .

  5. G. López Lagomasino, H. Pijeira Cabrera. Polinomios ortogonales. Serie de la XIV Escuela Venezolana de Matemáticas, Centro de Estudios Avanzados - Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Caracas, 2001.

  6. J. Arvesu, and G. López Lagomasino, Eds.. Recent Advances in Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions, and Their Applications. 11-th International Symposium. August 29-September 2, 2011. Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 578. Amer. Math. Soc. Providence, R.I., 2012.

Course Notes

  1. G. López Lagomasino. Constructive Theory of Approximation. An Intoduction to Padé Approximation. Coimbra Lecture Notes on Orthogonal Polynomials, Nova Science Pub., A. Branquinho and A. Foullquié Eds.,101-139, 2008.

  2. G. López Lagomasino. Potential Theory in the Complex Plane.

Guillermo López Lagomasino. Collected Papers

Biographical Papers

  1. Guillermo López Lagomasino: mathematical life. F. Marcellán and A. Martínez-Finkelshtein, Contemp. Math., 507 (2010), 1-24.

  2. A Walk through Approximation Theory. B. de la Calle Ysern, Contemp. Math., 507 (2010), 25-86.

  3. Mathematical life of A.A. Gonchar (on his 80th birthday). A.I. Aptekarev, G. López Lagomasino, E.B. Saff, H. Stahl, and V. Totik. Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 66 (2011), 197-204 (Russian original version); Russian Math. Surveys, 66 (2011), 197-204 (English translation).

  4. In memoriam A.A. Gonchar: November 21, 1931 - October 10, 2012. G. López Lagomasino, A. Martínez Finkelshtein, P. Nevai and E.B. Saff. J. Approx. Theory 172 (2013), A1-A13.