Lafayette Tigers PTO

 Welcome Back!


LTS Families,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year! The PTO Board has been working very hard planning fundraisers, services, and activities for the upcoming school year. Our mission is to provide the students at LTS a great experience while supporting our teachers and staff.  However, none of these activities can be done without YOU, our volunteers.  As always, we are looking for volunteers to chair and/or be on the committees for upcoming events.  We will be sending out volunteer signups throughout the year. We do not expect everyone to signup for everything; however, we do need help in putting on our events. So, we are asking you to commit to some volunteering thorughout the year in order to have a wonderful experience for our kids. There will be many ways you can get involved this year and we look forward to working with you!

If you would like to be a Class Parent, please fill out the PTO Membership Form. Be sure to include the class you are interested in at the bottom of the form and return it to the school no later than September 15th. Class Parents will be randomly selected and will be notified the following week.

Please email us at if you have any questions or would like to share any ideas for fundraising and activities with us. We would love to hear from you!

Looking forward to a wonderful school year,