Ladue School District logo and hyperlink

Links within Ladue Schools' website:

Student Services Department page - Special Education services are coordinated through the Student Services Department. The individuals identified on this page are appropriate points of contact within Ladue Schools for special services related questions.

Links within Special School District's website:

SSD Parent Education and Diversity Awareness (PEDA) Program - The PEDA program utilizes a number of strategies and services to reach and support all families and stakeholders.

SSD Parent Advisory Council (PAC) - The SSD PAC is a parent organization that collaborates with and advises its stakeholders (including parents/guardians, the SSD Board of Education, Governing Council, SSD administration and staff, and partnering school district administrators and staff) in order to improve the educational, self-efficacy, and social outcomes of each student served by SSD.

Links within Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (DESE) website:

DESE Special Education page - This page contains information about DESE's special education department and special education guidance released by that department for school administrators and parents.

DESE COVID-19 Information - DESE updates this page often with new details related to COVID-19 and DESE and/or public school operations. It includes special education information and guidance.

Recreation Council of Greater St. Louis

Since 1983, the Recreation Council of Greater St. Louis has provided individuals with developmental disabilities an opportunity to have fun, be active, socialize and enhance their quality of life. We connect individuals with more recreation activities and programs than any other agency in greater St. Louis, and our personal approach helps us direct them to their true interests.

Missouri Parents Act (MPACT)

Missouri Parents Act (MPACT) is Missouri’s Parent Training and Information Center, funded in part by the U.S. Department of Education and the State of Missouri. Their mission is to empower families to advocate for themselves so that children with special educational needs can reach their full potential in education and life – through support, training, and education.

Starkloff Disability Institute

The Starkloff Disability Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to helping people with disabilities participate fully and equally in all aspects of society.

Founded in 2003 by Max & Colleen Starkloff and David Newburger, the Starkloff Disability Institute works on changing societal attitudes and perceptions about people with disabilities through activities that send a positive message about living with disability in order to create a world that welcomes disabled people.

The Starkloff Disability Institute is the Workforce, Workplace Disability Advisor. The Starkloff Career Academy prepares candidates for competitive employment, and Starkloff Workplace Advisors prepares companies to welcome them.

Links within Parkway School District website:

Parkway Schools Special Education page - The Parkway team has built a good page with lots of easy-to-understand information about how special education services are delivered, special education processes (IEP & 504), and the district's relationship with SSD (like Ladue Schools, Parkway Schools is a "Partner District" for SSD)