Onyetundun Molade, better known as Lad, is a Nigerian rising pop singer whose talent has captivated music industry stakeholders as well as music consumers. Despite the fact that she has been in the industry since 2015, the majority of her materials were consumed by friends and family. She collaborated with Airtel Nigeria for the popular Airtel 444 commercial in 2021.

The famous Airtel commercial 444 spread like wildfire and engulfed the hearts of Nigerians who fell head over heels in love with the voice behind this trending commercial. Whenever the '444' song is played, almost every Nigerian will sing along. Lad's career took off when this happened, even though it took some time for people to recognize her as the talent behind the popular commercial.

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Lad: So my full names are Onyetundun Molade. I am from Kwara State and was born in Lagos. I've been doing music for a while but started officially in 2015. I'm the only child of my parents. My dad is a retired naval officer and my mum is into buying and selling.

Lad:  Being the only child I have always been the one getting all the attention. They did not beat me when I was small. I don't think I have any bad experience while I was growing up.

Lad: There is just this kind of feelings you have when you are sure about something. I did not go to a misc school to understand how some of the things in music works. It's just came to me naturally and I knew it was a gift and wanted to focus on it.

Lad: I think it's just because of the stage that I am at. You can't be a kid forever. I think I am in that stage of my life that I have to provide most of the things I need. And you know the situation of things in our country is not really helping matters. Trying to get somethings done in this economy is not easy. I can imagine thousands and millions of people going through the same thing. That was exactly what inspired it.

Lad: People don't know that I don't know how to swim. Some people when they see me they automatically conclude that I should be able to swim. They say I am plus size so I should be able to float. I think the second one will be that I am afraid of heights maybe that is why I am not tall.

Mosun helped carry her bags out of the guest bedroom, and together, they left the house, walking through the living room where the old woman and her daughters still lingered. Folarin was not with them. The trio cast eyes on Christie that could make roses wither, but she walked past them as if they did not exist.

Christie covered her face and allowed the tears turn into body-shaking sobs. Folarin left his couch and went to hers. When his hand rested on her back, her sobs got more intense. He dug his fingers into her hair and drew her in for a hug.

Speaking about items, Toni picked out not-so-obvious sparks flying between Tayo and Khanyi. She pretended not to notice, but Leticia who had an eye for such things had whispered something about it in her ear while taking a China dish of chicken bones to the kitchen. Toni then kept her concentration on them, and also on Omolade, whom she was more concerned about.

Toni left the kitchen to the living room and announced to everyone that she needed to nurse Andre who was ill. The general response came with teases and jibes. She gave them the middle finger and headed to her bedroom. Leticia went after her.

Leticia nodded. Toni picked her car key and flung her overnight bag across her shoulder. Out in the living room, she delivered a hug to each person. She stopped at the kitchen to pick a few things for Andre and left the house.

He tried to hold on to her but she forced herself out of his grip and went to the kitchen. When she returned, she brought along a mug of something steamy. With a stern stare, she watched him down the mixture.

She accepted his touch on her thighs with a stifled moan. He sensed how much she wanted him from the hunger in her eyes. Skipping foreplay, he pushed her legs apart and found his way into her. They both moaned at the moment of entry. Andre stopped, digging his face into her hair. He whispered to her in French, telling her how much he loved and needed her, something he had never felt for any woman beyond the boundaries of obligation. Toni alone had the power to shake his world, and she was already doing so, one mad day after another.

He had always been crazy about irksome women. A love interest had to come into his life with a little drama and a lot of fire. Tony had both and more. She alone could tame him. He was always appreciative of their fights. It was an indication that she loved him fiercely, no matter what she tried to project to the exterior.

When she disappeared, Andre picked his phone from the headboard. He punched in the password on his way to the bathroom. The screen popped up, revealing a number he was familiar with. He relieved his bladder, shut the door and sat on the toilet to make a phone call. After four long dials, the call connected.

Comfort parked outside the Asepita residence and hurried in, being let through by the gateman. She headed for the front door which she found open. When she entered, she saw Salma seated at the stairs, tiredness on her face.

The Asepita kids came running down the stairs. The girls looked cute in their little hijabs and Ankara dresses. Comfort was sure Raji would disapprove of their outfits. Back then he used to complain to her about Salma trying to impose too much religion on his children.

What met her eyes put the chills in her. Raheem was racing back to the estate, at the exact moment a car was speeding out of it. Comfort became immobilized, watching helplessly as the car squawked to an abrupt stop and Raheem disappeared from sight.

Mehn, i have never read anything as slowly as I did this episode. Most often times, i read very fast but i never wanted this episode to end so i savoured it line by line. Sally, God bless you. You are officially my best Black Writer. I can only imagine what goes on in your head. Thank you for staying true to your gifts and gifting us with your wonderful and awesome stories.

I pity Folarin and Christie, i hope they are able to find their paths to each other once again, Andre i hope this your scheming no go put you for wahala with Toni,but i am happy you guys seem to be making good progress in the right direction.

For the love of Children and for all things good, I hope Raheem is fine o because that is the only hold Comfort has to Raji. Me i still wish Tayo and Lade can work things out, get a surrogate and have a another opportunity at Parenting together because why will the glass cup drop when Toni was asking about her feelings for him. Mosun is my sanest person in this story sha, she makes sense die.

Thank you Madam Sally.

thanks sally, this episode was really intense and am still recovering from it. one thing have learnt from this episode for sure is that love alone is not enough. thumbs up, your oil will never run dry.

oh!! my heart is really breaking for christie. Love is truly never enough. I hope nothing happens to raheem though abeg dont make me cry next week. I hope Andre doesnt get in trouble with Toni with all dis secret spy he is doing. Waiting patiently for next week to come. Abeg make it double for us oo as per eid things for the sake of us muslims. Thank you sally.. U are the bestest.

Andre d baddest guy with different scheme and plan hope this new scheme dosent backfire

Folarin should settle with christie na this is getting too much how much more wld she hav to enjoy

And as for comfort she had better start taking her responsibility cuz she might just lose raheem to salma

Lade n tayo dunno if dey can still work sha with khanyi in d picture

Sally Kenneth Dadzie is an author and screenwriter, living in Lagos and Abuja, Nigeria. Her writing career began as a hobby on her blog to pass time, but she soon became popular with her intriguing web series.

She has authored fourteen books and has twice been named one of the most influential writers under 40. She also bagged the award for Fiction Writer of The Year in 2017 by the Nigerian Writers Awards. 152ee80cbc

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