So, what can you do with it? Well, anything that ordinarily uses "adb shell " can now be done locally. That means granting apps special privileges for things like SystemUI Tuner, many logcat apps, and generally anything else that needs elevated privileges. That's not all though. You can disable system apps using pm disable-user, you can enable and disable system overlays with cmd overlay, you can get a logcat with logcat -d | tail -n 20, and the possibilities go on.

So far, I only could find this related discussion from this site regarding disabling app on android by ADB, but I'm using LADB app and confirm whether these commands are correct or not since the discussion didn't mention anything about re-enabling the app.

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Will it work just like when I disable or enable app through settings? The app I wanna disable is Facebook, by the way. On my old phone android 8.1, it has disable feature, but idk why my phone with android 11 doesn't have this feature. Anyway, are those commands safe to try? I'm not familiar with Android shell whatever, I only thought it would be wise to ask here first before I test it. 17dc91bb1f

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