Writing/Articles/References etc.

Below a list of references can be found - talks, books, videos, writing and presentations from guest speakers as well as contributions from the participants

Image Credit: Rose Gibbs

Relational Therapies & Brain plasticity

Ian McGilchrist talks from a philosophical perspective about the brain and its functioning. Here is an intro from the RSA: https://www.thersa.org/discover/videos/rsa-animate/2011/10/rsa-animate---the-divided-brain

Jill Bolte – a neuroanatomist, describes her path through the experience of a brain haemorrhage she had in her 30s. She was told by doctors that she will never be able to walk or talk again, but she did.


Relational Therapies, Object Relations & Cognitive Development

Gerald Hüther is a neurobiologist who after 25 years of research realised that all the findings in the field (mainly about neuroplasticity) were staying within the academic and scientific communities and were not actually starting to inform changes to education and social policies as they should. He then went out to write more populist books about the subjects to disseminate knowledge and so that people can start making the changes this knowledge implements. In the course of the next 20 years or so he then got involved in a lot of things, mainly in projects and subjects of radical education. His main premise is that nothing is fixed and all these brain pathways can be rebuilt.

Gerald Hüther’s idea in brief is that a child from a neglected or abusive background, who has grown up in a difficult environment can develop his/her potential in the world when they have had one adult person in their life (neighbour, aunt, teacher etc) who 'saw' and treated the child for how she/he is and not as an object. One of his subjects is the difference of being treated as an object or subject and that being treated as an object can happen through caregivers and often happens within the education system. Hüther describes that becoming an object is a very painful experience and children usually develop coping mechanisms to deal with it.

Unfortunately he has not really published anything in English (apart from a book called The Compassionate Brain https://www.amazon.co.uk/Compassionate-Brain-Empathy-Creates-Intelligence-x/dp/159030330X


Sally Alexander on The Night Cleaners Campaign

Sally Alexander talks about how she got involved with the Night Cleaners Campaign in the early 1970s. She mentions May Hobbs, the vibrant cleaner and activist who became the face of the campaign; May tells her own version of events in Born to Struggle (London: Quartet Books, 1973).


The Nightcleaners film can be viewed at the Ruben Library at the BFI


Or hired from Lux


Donald Winnicott & The Good Enough Mother

Donald Winnicott's BBC broadcast clip The Good Enough Mother


From Donald Winnicott to The Naught Step


Suggested Reading:

Human Nature - D. Winnicott

The Care Economy

Investing in Social Infrastructure

Susan Himmelweit

The Women's Budget Group

The Care Economy

Susan Himmelweit

In Playing in a string quartet neither cutting the number of players nor playing faster can raise the productivity of labour