3rd Grade

Spanish Department Disclosure

Welcome to our 3th grade Spanish class! This is the fourth year that your students could have been exposed to the Spanish language. Speaking and writing in Spanish will be our main objective.


I am so proud to let you know that your student will be using the program “Descubre”, a well-known language learning system created by Santillana, a company with more than fifty years of experience.

“Descubre” is a wonderful language program, that integrates authentic contemporary language, brings students to real live experiences, and provide the tools to master the language.

Spanish Schedule:

Spanish classes will last 30 minutes and will be taught four days per week.

Spanish classes are active and progressive. They will be learning something new in every class. Please support your students and ensure they are here at school every day. Mastering a language requires a lot of practice and the classroom is the best place to do it.

Class materials:


-Pencil sharpener

-Colored pencils

Your student will receive a notebook, a workbook, and a plastic bag at the beginning of the year. In the case that they lose any of them, they will have to replace it.

 Students Expectations:

Spanish classes last 30 minutes, we need to be very efficient using our time, for that reason:

Students need to be prepared: they will have the workbook, notebook and writing utensils ready.

Students will be responsible: Students will work in class assignments and finish them on time.

Students need to be kind: Students will use good manners all the time with the teacher and their classmates.

Students will be supportive: In our class we are going to do a lot of oral practices, students will try to help their peers and cheer them. Any form of mocking will not be tolerated.

Students will be respectful:  Each student is unique and valuable; students will respect their classmates all the time under any circumstances.


Website: Go to scholarcharter.org Click "students". Click "teacher websites". Click "Cila Vega". Select "Third grade" and click on "Canvas"

Spanish activities will be available for the students in the Canvas site each week. I highly recommend doing at least one activity per week to reinforce the language.

If your student is absent, please ask your student to sign in Canvas and look for the activity of the day and be sure your student work on it and summit it.


The grades of your student will be the result of the following 

70% Class Activities

        30% Projects

Citizenship:  The following traits will be considered for grading this part.

·   Takes responsibility: follow directions and complete assignments. Students that are absent they will have three days to complete the missing assignments.

·   Is in the proper place: In their seat when the class starts and stays in the assigned area during class.

·   Goes prepared: Comes prepared with the writing utensils, workbook and notebook. Holds all the materials in the plastic bag.

·   Engages Learning: Participates appropriately in class discussions and activities.

·   Respect self and others: Follows classroom rules and procedures and treats other with respect.

Grade Scale for citizenship:

H= 0-1 behavior infractions

S= 2-3 behavior infractions

N=4-5 behavior infractions

U= 6+ behavior infractions   

Make-up work:

Students will be able to makeup missing work and get full credit if the absent is excused, they will have three days, after they return to school, to do so.


It is crucial to have open lines of communication. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at cmartinez@scholarcharter.com, and I will respond as soon as I can. You are more than welcome to phone me or come and find me at the Spanish Office. I am accessible from 3:15 to 4:00 p.m.


This year will undoubtedly be fantastic; I enjoy working with your students and will do everything in my ability to ensure their success.