Dr. Zee Von X's Laboratory Escape


World renowned zoologist and enigmatologist, Dr. Zee Von X, is presenting a special program at the library on one of his favorite animals. Thousands upon thousands are expected to tune in and hear his amazing insights on this particular species.

On top of that, your family won four tickets to see him live and in-person. The only family to be able to do so. Yay.

Your family, and the community, is ecstatic to see Dr. X's presentation, even though you think it sounds undeniably boring. Plus, to you, he seems so...weird. Not just weird, like, really really weird...

On the day of the event, your family gets to the library and checks in. You see the cameras and the lights and the live-stream of virtual audience members and you think that it's going to be a long night.

Then, you remember that Dr. X has set up his lab at the library for the time being, so, while everyone’s getting set for the program, you head out to find his lab.

You wander around for a bit and come across a long, dark hallway. You think that this is just the place for Dr. X to hide his laboratory in the deepest darkest bowels of the library. You start down the hallway and eventually see a single light coming through an open door. You approach the door and step inside. It's X's lab! You found it!

Your victory is short-lived as you hear the door slam shut and a lock click into place. You knew something was off. Dr. X has set a booby trap to catch any intruders in his lab. Now you have to escape X's laboratory before someone finds out (or, even worse, your parents find out that you've been snooping and they ground you - FOREVER).


  • Click around the room.

  • Find all of the hidden puzzles and solve. Don't forget to have a pen and paper handy.

  • Enter the codes for each lock on the form below.

  • Click "Next" once all locks are entered correctly (you will see a white page, scroll up to see the next prompt).

  • Escape Dr. X's lab!


  • This virtual escape room is recommended for families with children in 3rd - 5th grades, but any and all virtual escape room enthusiasts are welcome to play.

  • The escape room is best completed on a desktop or laptop computer. If you are accessing through a social media app, it is best to copy the link and open it in your browser.

  • Opening the picture of Dr. X's Laboratory in another window may disable some clues, so we advise against doing that.

  • Have a pen and paper ready to write down your answers to the different locks.

  • Have fun!