Littleton Academy Accountability Committee


Tuesday, September 3rd · 6:00 – 7:30pm

Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 662-472-1439 PIN: ‪901 094 623#
More phone numbers:

Every public school in Colorado is required to form an Accountability Committee comprised of parents and teachers in order to assess goal achievement. Because we are a charter school, we have the authority to align our Accountability Committee’s purpose to our vision in addition to meeting the state’s requirements. LAAC serves as an advisory committee to the governing board to fulfill a five­-part charge:

LAAC Charge:

Serving on LAAC is an enjoyable, rewarding way to assist in improving our school. Most of our time consists of creating, administering, and analyzing the school survey (charge #4). The cooperation and exchange of ideas between parents and teachers throughout this process provides a unique opportunity for a variety of stakeholders to learn from each others’ perspectives.


Got feedback?  Let us know: