The Spain branch financially supports various direct relief programs for children in many countries in Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe, for social aid and education, the rights of children and mother-and-child health care. In Spain there is also a campaign for awareness-raising, entitled "Stop child trafficking", with the aim of fighting all the various forms of child exploitation. Terre des hommes Spain also carries out significant medical aid for children from several African countries, thanks to the program "Journey towards Life".

Swiss Solidarity is Switzerland's humanitarian fundraising and solidarity system. For Terre des hommes, Swiss Solidarity is one of its most important partners, particularly in the case of natural disasters.

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UEFA Children's Foundation: The Foundation works for the improvement of children's living conditions, the promotion of their dignity and the respect of their fundamental rights as defined by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Terre des hommes is proud to be able to count on the generous support of the UEFA Children's Foundation, a renowned international partner.

Young people with a refugee background face many challenges, but they also have a wealth of potential and strengths. With the "MePower" project, terre des hommes schweiz is responding to the lack ofRead more A Brazilian success storyDecember 6, 2023Together with its partner organizations, terre des hommes schweiz is committed to sustainable and ecological agriculture in several countries. A new study from Brazil also shows that agroforestry systems, which terre

Healthcare systems in Afghanistan are collapsing. The midwives trained by Terre des hommes make home visits to care for mothers and children. In Pakistan, Syria and Iraq, all adversely affected by conflicts and natural disasters, we are supporting, alongside our partners, the health, water and sanitation systems.

Terre des hommes is an aid organization. It focuses on Children's rights. Edmond Kaiser founded it in Lausanne, in 1960. The name translates as "Land of men" or "Land of the people". Antoine de Saint-Exupry wrote a book with the same name, which served as inspiration for the name. In English, the book is known as Wind, Sand and Stars. When Kaiser founded Terre des hommes , the Algerian War was ongoing, so one of the first missions was to help children in refugee camps of that war.

Created in 1960's, the mission of Terre de hommes has been to come to the aid of children in need. The mission aims to defend the rights of children, in times of war and natural disasters or distress. Terre de hommes has developed in two core areas: healthcare and child protection.

Terre des hommes foundation has been present in Lebanon since 1977. We provide life saving child protection assistance to the most vulnerable children and their families regardless of their nationality, ethnic origin and religious affiliation. Through our child protection in migration and access to justice programmes, our staff support victims of physical and sexual abuse, worst forms of child labor, child marriage, severe neglect and children in contact or conflict with the law. We work with children, their families, communities, NGO and UN partners, local authorities and religious leaders

Terre des hommes foundation has been present in Lebanon since 1977. We provide life saving child protection assistance to the most vulnerable children and their families regardless of their nationality, ethnic origin and religious affiliation. Through our child protection in migration and access to justice programmes, our staff support victims of physical and sexual abuse, worst forms of child labor, child marriage, severe neglect and children in contact or conflict with the law. We work with children, their families, communities, NGO and UN partners, local authorities and religious leaders .

Terre des hommes foundation has been present in Lebanon since 1977. We provide life saving child protection assistance to the most vulnerable children and their families regardless of their nationality, ethnic origin and religious affiliation. Through our child protection in migration and access to justice programmes, our staff support victims of physical and sexual abuse, worst forms of child labor, child marriage, severe neglect and children in contact or conflict with the law. We work with children, their families, communities, NGO and UN partners, local authorities and religious leaders.

JOIN US AND SUPPORT OUR PROJECTS BY DONATING TODAY.In Germany, people of all ages in approx. 120 cities volunteer for terre des hommes with the joint goal to help children in need. Working with terre des hommes is not just about giving something, it is above all also about receiving something in return, for example a smile.

You decide how much and for what you would like to make a contribution. Please click on the donation button below and you will be directed to our donation form on the terre des hommes website.

Movement, Games and Sport is a non-formal methodology of education, developed by Terre des hommes Foundation, that aims to develop the professional and personal competences of the animator, in order to increase the psychosocial and emotional abilities of the children and young people.

Terre des hommes began working with Cloudera in 2019, in the frame of a project that WHO (World Health Organization) implemented with a protocol to detect the five most common diseases that affect children under 5, in developing nations. In 2019, 0.87% of children born in Burkina Faso die of treatable or preventable diseases before the age of 5.

terre des hommes India is a part of a global federation with an international presence across many countries. In India, terre des hommes acts through local and community-based organisations, supporting local projects which protect and promote the rights of children and their communities, empower women and preserve the environment and natural resources.

Terre des Hommes fariis tre kompetenda en du kampoj: nome sano kaj infana protektado. En landoj kiel Alerio, Birmo, Afganio a Peruo, Fondao Terre des hommes funkcias en pli ol 30 landoj, plibonigante la vivojn de pli ol 1,4 milionoj da infanoj kaj iliaj parencoj. Terre des Hommes realigas ne nur projektojn de disvolvio kiel plibonigi la darigeblan traktadon de infanoj en Benino a kontrabatali malsufian nutradon en Bangladeo, sed anka provizis krizohelpon post la detruigaj cunamo en Srilanko a la tertremo en Haitio.

We created these mobile-responsive e-learning modules in Articulate Rise to help Terre des hommes distribute training to law enforcement and criminal prosecutors on more constructive alternatives to incarceration for youth who break the law.

In Switzerland, the Terre des hommes Valais foundation (TdH VS) works in close partnership with the foundation of Terre des hommes Lausanne. It's mission is to welcome children on pre and post operation, transferred to Switzerland by the foundation of Lausanne, within its programme "Specialised Care". The children are taken in hand at "La Maison", a medicalised children's home situated on a hill above Massongex, in Bas-Valais. This institution opened in 1970. The association Terre des hommes Valais (today a foundation) was created on 21st October 1963. The first seven years, the children were welcomed into families in the region. At the end of the sixties, the founders decided to take an additional step by passing from the system of "Foster homes" to an institution. 006ab0faaa

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