
Please use the following Eventbrite link to sign up (free!) for the 2019 LA Postdoc Symposium:

*UPDATE* - May 17th, 2019 - The abstract submission is now closed, but registration to attend the event is still open!

If you are interested in presenting your work, we provide the following options:

  1. A 10-minute Short Talk only
  2. A Poster Presentation only
  3. A 10-minute Short Talk with supporting Poster
  4. Indifferent (either Short talk or Poster)

Submission Deadline and Guidelines

Abstract should be 250 words or less.

Abstracts should be submitted no later than May 13th, 2019. You can submit your abstract at the time of registration or - if you don’t have an abstract ready yet - register first and edit your registration on Eventbrite later to submit your abstract.

Review Criteria

Abstracts will be reviewed by members of the symposium executive committee, and you will receive a notification of abstract acceptance by May 17th, 2019. We will do our best to accept as many abstract as possible (with a maximum of 15 talks and 30 posters), within the constraint of prioritizing representation across different disciplines and different campuses.

Short Talks

Short talks are 10-minute presentations intended to promote interdisciplinary research and spark discussions among symposium participants. These talks are a way to quickly present your current work in a friendly and supportive audience. An important benefit of presenting is the opportunity to get tailored, positive feedback as you meet people throughout the day and to find potential collaborators at other institutions. Keep in mind that the symposium is open to postdocs in all disciplines, thus the format of abstracts for talks should be as general as possible to target a large audience.


Posters are a way for attendees to present results, gain feedback, find collaborators on a topic, and spark discussions among participants. Abstracts for posters can be more directed to a specific target audience.

If you have questions about anything discussed above, please email us at