Call for Papers

Important Dates:

  • Workshop Paper submission deadline: March 5th 2022. 12th March, 11:59 pm Pacific Time.

  • Notification to authors: 1st April 2022. 10th April.

  • Camera ready deadline: 7th April 2022. 20th April.

CMT3 Submission:


We encourage submissions that are under one of the topics of interest, but also we welcome other interesting and relevant research for learning with limited labelled data.

  • Few-Shot classification, detection and segmentation in still images and video, including objects, actions, and scenes.

  • Cross-domain few-shot learning.

  • Zero-shot learning.

  • Self supervised Learning.

  • Weakly supervised learning.

  • Semi-supervised learning.

  • Transfer Learning.

  • Open-set learning.

  • New benchmarks.

  • Real-world applications discussing the societal Impact of fewshot learning.

Accepted papers will be presented at the poster session, some as orals and two papers will be awarded as the best paper.

Submission Guidelines:

  • We accept submissions of max 8 pages (excluding references). We encourage authors to submit 4 page work as well.

  • We accept dual submissions to CVPR 2022 and L3D-IVU 2022.

  • Submitted manuscript should follow the CVPR 2022 paper template.

  • Submissions will be rejected without review if they:

    1. Contain more than 8 pages (excluding references).

    2. Violate the double-blind policy.

    3. Violate the dual-submission policy for papers with more than 4 pages excluding references.

  • The accepted papers will be linked at the workshop webpage. It will also be in the main conference proceedings if the authors agree (this option is valid only for full-length papers not published at CVPR 2022)

  • Papers will be peer reviewed under double-blind policy, and must be submitted online through the CMT submission system.