2nd Workshop on Learning with Limited Labelled Data for Image and Video Understanding

19 June 2023

Location: Vancouver Convention Center
East 3


Deep learning has been widely successful in a variety of computer vision tasks such as object recognition, object detection, and semantic segmentation. It also has been deployed with success in learning spatiotemporal features for video segmentation/detection and action recognition tasks. However, one of the major bottlenecks of deep learning in both image and video understanding tasks is the need for large-scale labelled datasets. Collecting and annotating such datasets can be labor intensive and costly. In many scenarios  of practical interest only a few labelled examples of novel categories may be available at model training time. Currently available large-scale data typically cover relatively narrow sets of categories  and are constrained by licensing. As such, they are often hard to naively apply to practical problems. It is especially problematic in developing countries that do not have the required resources to collect large scale labelled datasets for new tasks. The goal of this workshop is to explore approaches that learn from limited labelled data, or with side information such as text data, or using data with weak/self supervision, with special focus on video understanding tasks. This will be the second L3D-IVU workshop in conjunction with CVPR, where it had a great success and wide interest from multiple researchers as it explores the intersection of learning with limited labelled data and video understanding.

News and Updates:

Challenge Prizes:

Best Paper prize:

Best Paper Prize, awarded by Eirene Seiradaki, Director of Research Partnerships at Borealis AI.

(Only students/researchers are eligible to participate. Government officials, public sector officials, and employees of entities who do business in the Public Sector are not eligible to participate. Apple and Borealis AI reserves the right not to make the award if the recipient turns out to be a government official, public sector official, or individual who does business in the public sector.)


We encourage submissions that are under one of the topics of interest, but also we welcome other interesting and relevant research for learning with limited labeled data.

Papers will be peer-reviewed under a double-blind policy and the submission deadline is the 8th of February 2023. Accepted papers will be presented at the poster session, some as orals, and one paper will be awarded as the best paper.

Invited Speakers

Naila Murray

Meta AI

Hazel Doughty

University of Amesterdam

Ismail Ben Ayed

ETS Montreal

Christoph Feichtenhofer

Meta AI

Trevor Darrell

UC Berkley

Graham Taylor

University of Guelph, Borealis AI


For questions you can contact us at: l3divuworkshop@gmail.com
