Associate Vice President for Strategic Planning
Professor@Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
DGIST (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology), South Korea

Also affiliated with Interdisciplinary Program in AI@DGIST

Office: +82-53-785-6314
Address: DGIST E3-513, 333 Technojungang-daero, Daegu 42988 South Korea

Research interests
Cyber-Physical Systems; Robot Operating System (ROS); Smart Manufacturing

Recent publications (Full list  can be found at CSI LAB@DGIST)

Ph.D., School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Seoul National University (2005)
M.S., School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University (2000)
B.S., School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University (1998)

Work Experience
Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor, DGIST (2011~)
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2006~2010)
Senior Engineer, Samsung Electronics, South Korea (2005~2006)

Professional Services
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (2023~)
Editor, ICT Express (2022~)
Editor, Journal of Communications and Networks (2021~)
Guest Editor, Special Issue on Reliable and Resilient CPS, IEEE IoT Journal
Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue on Real-time IoT and CPS, Wiley Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies
Associate Editor, Wiley Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (formerly known as European Transactions on Telecommunications)
Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue on Cyber-Physical Systems, Elsevier Computer Communications

Local arrangement chair, WiOpt 2024; TPC chair, ICUFN 2023; General co-chair, IEEE ISORC 2021; TPC vice co-chair, ICUFN 2017; TPC vice co-chair, ICOIN 2017; publicity co-chair, Networks 2016; organizing chair, IEEE RTCSA 2016; local arrangement co-chair, ICUFN 2013 & 2014; poster session chair, CFI 2012; demo/exhibition co-chair, CPSCom 2012; workshops co-chair, IEEE SECON 2012; invited tutorial speaker on cyber physical systems, ICOIN 2012; invited speaker, KIISE SWCC 2010;  steering committee member, FNOT 2010

TPC member: IEEE RTCSA 2024, IEEE RTAS 2024, ICOIN 2024, IEEE RTCSA 2023, IEEE WCNC 2023,ICOIN 2023, IEEE WCNC 2022, IEEE RTCSA 2022, ACM SAC 2022, IEEE WCNC 2021, ACM SAC 2021, IEEE RTCSA 2021, IEEE RTCSA 2020, IEEE SMARTCOMP 2020, IEEE SMARTCOMP 2019, IEEE SMARTCOMP 2018, ACM/IEEE ICCPS 2018, ICNC 2018, ICTC 2017, IEEE PIMRC 2017, IEEE RTCSA 2017, IEEE SmartComp 2017, ICCCN 2017, ICNC 2017, CCNC 2017, ICOIN 2017, ICUFN 2017, JCCI 2016, IEEE RTCSA 2016, ICOIN 2016, CCNC 2016, ICNC 2016 WN, IEEE Globecom 2015, IEEE PIMRC 2015, ICTC 2015, IEEE RTCSA 2015, ICUFN 2015, ICNC 2015, CPSNA 2014, IEEE Globecom 2014, IEEE RTCSA 2014, MobileHealth 2014, IEEE VTC 2014-Spring, ICUFN 2014, ICTC 2014, DC2 2014, ICOIN 2014, ICNC 2014, ICPADS 2013, WCSP 2013, ICTC 2013, SOCA 2013, APCC 2013, IEEE Globecom 2013, WASA 2013, IWCMC 2013, ICCCN 2013, ICUFN 2013, ICOIN 2013, ICNC 2013, SOCA 2012, "Cyber-Physical Systems" track of ICPADS 2012, IEEE Globecom 2012, ICTC 2012, CPSNA 2012, TACPS 2012, ICUFN 2012, ISCC 2012, ICNC 2012, IEEE Globecom 2011, ISCC 2011, IEEE WoWMoM 2010, ACM WiMD 2009, ICUFN 2009, CoNet 2007