Code of Conduct


Assumption of Risk for Current 4-H Year

I understand that there are risks in participating in 4-H Youth Development events and activities associated with Washington State University (WSU).

In consideration for and as a condition of being allowed to participate in this voluntary activity, I agree to take full responsibility for any and all risks that exist, including the risk of death or injury to my child or self or loss or damage to my property. I understand that there may be risks that WSU cannot predict or foresee, and I also assume full responsibility for those risks.

Membership in the 4-H Youth Development Program may involve participation in a wide variety of activities such as, but not limited to: club meetings, shows, clinics, working with animals, physical education activities, water-sports, food preparation, woodworking, crafts, and travel. Risks in participating include, but are not limited to: temporary or permanent muscle soreness, sprains, strains, cuts, abrasions, bruises, ligament and/or cartilage damage, orthopedic damage, head, neck, or spinal injuries, loss of use of arms and/or legs, eye damage, disfigurement, burns, drowning or death. I also recognize that there are both foreseeable and unforeseeable risks of injury or death that may occur as a result of traveling to or from the 4-H Youth Development Program activities that cannot be specifically listed. Further, I recognize that the actions of other participants in the activity may cause harm or loss to my child, self or property.

Consent Agreement: I have read, understand and consent to the foregoing statements. I am the parent or guardian of the child (minor under the age of 18, or other person legally incompetent to contract), whose name is set forth OR I am an enrolled youth or adult over the age of 18.

Youth Code of Conduct

The code of conduct shall be signed by each youth member and parent/guardian with the current year enrollment. A 4-H youth is not eligible to participate in the 4-H program without this agreement.

As a 4-H youth participant/member you have the responsibility of representing all 4-H members to the public. Therefore, you are expected to conduct yourself in a manner that respects individual rights, safety and property of others, and reflects favorably on your state, county and club, as well as yourself. You are expected to observe the following guidelines.

1. The possession and use of alcoholic beverages, marijuana, and/or drugs other than prescribed medication is prohibited. Use of tobacco products by youth members is prohibited.

2. Obscene and discriminatory language, rough housing, and insubordination will not be tolerated.

3. Members and leaders must demonstrate respect for each other and the public.

4. Display of overly affectionate attention between individuals is prohibited.

5. Damage to, or destruction of property belonging to others is prohibited.

6. Animal abuse of any kind is prohibited.

7. Display of unsportsmanlike conduct is prohibited.

8. Be an example of how to accept what life has to offer - good and bad - and how to live with the outcome of exhibiting your project.

9. Wear neat, clean and appropriate attire; including shoes, boots, or appropriate footwear at all times.

Report any infractions to the superintendent/club leader/event coordinator.

Penalties for infractions(s) may include any or all of the following:

Placing the member on probation for involvement in further 4-H events and/or termination of 4-H membership.

Assessing the member the cost of damages and repairs in the event of damage or destruction of property.

Releasing the member to the nearest law enforcement agency and/or the proper authorities.

Withholding premiums and/or sending the member home from 4-H activities or events.

Parents/guardians will be notified if penalties are necessary.

For members and parents/guardians: We understand this agreement is to ensure the safety of the 4-H youth member and ensure conduct and behavior that will result in each participant receiving the full benefit of enjoyment and educational experience from this 4-H affiliation/event. It is not intended to place undue restrictions upon participants.

For youth members: I have read the Code of Conduct and agree to abide by its rules. I understand that infractions of this code will result in any or all of the penalties listed above.

For parents/guardians: I have read the code of conduct and understand that I am responsible for my child or ward's behavior. I give permission to the staff in charge to administer the code.

I understand that the WSU Extension County 4-H program may have policies that are more restrictive than the state policies, but not less restrictive. In the event that the County 4-H program has additional agreements required for enrollment, a hard copy form will be provided for signature.

Consent: Yes, we agree.

Note: Consent is required

Youth Member Signature _________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature________________________________________________

Indemnity Agreement

I, my heirs and assigns, hereby release, the state of Washington, the Regents of WSU, WSU, any subdivision or unit of WSU, its officers, employees/volunteers, and agents, from any and all liability, claims, costs, expenses, injuries and/or losses to person or property, which I may sustain and/or sustain as a result of death or injury, as a result of or connected with participation in this program and/or event. If any part or portion of this Release of Liability is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining parts or portions shall be enforceable. This release and all matters related to your activities involving Washington State University shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Washington law. I have carefully read this document, understand its contents and am fully informed about this program and circumstances. I am aware that this document is a contract with WSU and the program sponsors. I enter this contract freely and voluntarily.

Publicity/Media Release

I understand that, unless noted below, photos, video, or audio recordings made of me or my enrolled child/ward at 4-H events may be used by WSU Extension and Washington State 4-H, without compensation, to promote the 4-H Youth Development Program. I understand that my name may be revealed in descriptive text or commentary