Kevin Wilkins

Nolite conformari huic saeculo


My name is Kevin.

I've never been exactly great at talking about myself.  Typically most who know me have come to know me through many months and years.  Thus it seems a bit silly and absurd to write a blurb that explains everything there is to know about me.  Similar to every person I've encountered, how I was a few years ago isn't necessarily how I am today.  Similar, yes, but different, because every day I try to learn something new.

Focus of the page

This is essentially my internet "profile" - and one where I've a bit more control over how things are set up.

This is not intended to be a professional website.  I did not spend any time reviewing or writing any of the code running this page.  Therefore, it'd be terrible to use this page as evidence of my web development skills.

What about my professional website?

Looking for my professional website?  Be forewarned it's still a work in progress, but is running and being worked on.  Click HERE to be sent over.

My professional website I am using as a way to apply my knowledge in HTML, CSS, and Javascript while I hone and develop my web development skills.  Eventually, it will become a portfolio and manifestation of my work in web development languages.  It's hosted on a server and I can attest that the configuration and administration of the server and the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files are 100% my work.
