How does A Calming Collar function?

Ever tried Sentry calming collars for dogs to reduce stress & anxiety from your pet? We love our pets and they are none less than our family members. That is why it can be so heartbreaking to watch them struggle with stress and fear. Being humans we understand that our pups are in no real danger when it comes to thunder/ lightning or the vet visit which is beneficial for them only but pets are seldom calm about these things and tend to get stressed.

sentry calming collar for dogs

We all want our pets to be calm and stress-free and must have overheard about these calming collars for dogs.

Let's explore in detail what exactly a sentry good behavior calming collar for dogs is.

In our stressful lives, we lean on a few things that help calm us like spa, aromatherapy, etc. Sentry Calming Collar for dogs works something like that only. However, it does include the release of certain chemicals. These chemicals are Pheromones.

"Pheromones essentially work like hormones outside the body by exerting a chemical influence on another living organism,” says Joseph Turk, D.V.M., a veterinarian in Palm Harbor, Florida.

Pets have heightened senses of stimulation and hence they experience anxiety & fear around certain conditions.

Sentry good behavior calming collar for dogs reduces problem behavior arising from stressful situations in different dog breeds, ages, and sizes. It uses safe and natural ingredients that are slowly released over 3-4 weeks and help dogs feel calm, settled, and relaxed. It further helps in reducing potentially destructive problematic behavior. When dogs feel more secure in their environment, they are more relaxed thus making them better house companions. When your dog is calm, it will help to prevent excessive barking, chewing, and inappropriate urination and can be essential in dogs that suffer separation anxiety.

Sentry Calming Collar for dogs contains Valerian and Lavender, which are used in human health care to manage stress and anxiety and are proven to help reduce excessive barking, chewing, scent-marking, and other undesirable behavior. This collar is perfect for reducing anxiety during the introduction of new additions to the household, frequent travel, or vet/kennel stays and for use during the party season.

When it comes to sentry calming collar for dogs reviews, studies, and research shows positive results if there may be fireworks and lots of guests in the home then calming collars help a lot in that situation. Once fitted, Valerian gets released immediately and the dog will begin to relax within approximately one hour.

Before buying any product we make sure that we know completely about it so that we make the right decisions for our pets. Hence, let's first understand what exactly anxiety looks like in your pets.

Just like human beings, pets can also experience anxiety. Sometimes the signs and symptoms are clear, just like in thunderstorms, pets tend to hide in the corner and start shaking. Periodically at times of separation, they start whining. But not all the time the signs are clear. Some of the symptoms are aggression, urinating in the house, drooling depression, excessive barking, and pacing relentlessly.

There are several methods to treat anxiety among dogs. Firstly you can train your dog to focus on the owner rather than the object of anxiety. The second way is to expose them to the environment which causes them anxiety but in a very small proportion.

These are the primary methods that help dogs with their anxiety. However, when the dogs are feeling a little bit too anxious, it is always recommended to visit the vet. They can prescribe medication for the dogs. But for pet owners who do not like to take the help of medicines for their loved ones. The best and one of the most popular options is calming collars.

Now let's learn about how Sentry's calming collar for dogs works. Animals tend to release the chemical pheromone. That helps them relax as the chemical is inhaled by the animals and they calm their nose. The calming collar for dogs contains this chemical and has the same effect whenever a dog feels any kind of anxiety.

One of the major advantages of using a calming collar is that it can be used for a longer period as the collar does not have any kind of side effects. If you feel that your dog is vulnerable or volatile and is experiencing anxiousness a bit more than usual, in that case, you can use the collar for a longer period as there are no known side effects that can cause any harm to the dog. All these collars have different kinds of benefits. Although these collars do not have any side effects for the dogs, their benefits for the dogs are different. Every dog responds to the chemical differently and hence the benefits also vary.