Kwangsung Oh (오광성)

Assistant Professor

Computer Science
University of Nebraska Omaha

Office: PKI 177D

Email: kwangsungoh at unomaha dot edu

I am an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department @ the University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO). I am a recipient of the NSF Computer and Information Science and Engineering Research Initiation Initiative (CRII) award. My research interests include cloud computing, edge computing, and data analytics-related systems. I received my Ph.D. from the Computer Science Department @ the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, where I worked with my advisors Prof. Abhishek Chandra and Prof. Jon Weissman. I was a software engineer at Samsung SDS for five years.

Note to prospective students 

I'm always looking for undergraduate students interested in research.
Please contact me with your CV and transcript if you want to build impactful cloud systems with me at UNO.


[05/30/2024] Smartpick and latest projects presented at the Chung-Ang University. Thanks, Professor Park!
[02/15/2024] MS student Prajin's research proposal was approved for GRACA funding. Congrats, Prajin!
[01/30/2024] GPU-enabled Microscopy-related collaborative work with Prof. Piero Bianco has been accepted.
[11/15/2023] I will join the program committee of IEEE Cloud Summit 2024. Please check CFP!
[11/10/2023] I have received the Nebraska EPSCoR's FIRST Award. Thanks, Nebraska EPSCoR!
[10/18/2023] I will join the program committee of ICFEC 2024. Please check CFP!
[10/13/2023] PhD student Anshuman's research proposal was approved for GRACA funding. Congrats, Anshuman!
[10/09/2023] Collaborative work with Prof. Piero Bianco has been published.
[07/14/2023] I have received a University of Nebraska Collaboration Initiative Grant as a Co-PI. Thanks and congrats, Professor Song!
[05/24/2023] Collaborative work (SR-SIM) has received an Editor-in-Chief Choice Award 🏆 from Advanced Photonics! Congrats, Prof. Bianco and Prof. Lei!
[04/10/2023] Collaborative work with Prof. Piero Bianco and Prof. Ming Lei has been accepted. Congrats, Prof. Bianco and Prof. Lei!
[02/23/2023] Smartpick: Workload Prediction for Serverless-enabled Scalable Data Analytics Systems accepted in Middleware'23. Congrats, Anshuman!


Recent publications [Google Scholar] 

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