watch is shallow by default: the callback will only trigger when the watched property has been assigned a new value - it won't trigger on nested property changes. If you want the callback to fire on all nested mutations, you need to use a deep watcher:

It is common for the watcher callback to use exactly the same reactive state as the source. For example, consider the following code, which uses a watcher to load a remote resource whenever the todoId ref changes:

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For examples like these, with only one dependency, the benefit of watchEffect() is relatively small. But for watchers that have multiple dependencies, using watchEffect() removes the burden of having to maintain the list of dependencies manually. In addition, if you need to watch several properties in a nested data structure, watchEffect() may prove more efficient than a deep watcher, as it will only track the properties that are used in the callback, rather than recursively tracking all of them.

By default, user-created watcher callbacks are called before Vue component updates. This means if you attempt to access the DOM inside a watcher callback, the DOM will be in the state before Vue has applied any updates.

Watchers declared using the watch option or the $watch() instance method are automatically stopped when the owner component is unmounted, so in most cases you don't need to worry about stopping the watcher yourself.

Watchers declared synchronously inside setup() or are bound to the owner component instance, and will be automatically stopped when the owner component is unmounted. In most cases, you don't need to worry about stopping the watcher yourself.

The key here is that the watcher must be created synchronously: if the watcher is created in an async callback, it won't be bound to the owner component and must be stopped manually to avoid memory leaks. Here's an example:

Note that there should be very few cases where you need to create watchers asynchronously, and synchronous creation should be preferred whenever possible. If you need to wait for some async data, you can make your watch logic conditional instead:

A poll watcher must surrender a signed credential to the judges of election upon entering a polling place. After a credential has been surrendered to the judges in a precinct, a poll watcher may leave that precinct and return, without presenting an additional credential. However, if a poll watcher monitors multiple precincts, the poll watcher must present a credential at each of those precincts where the poll watcher plans to monitor.

Any person or candidate wishing to be a poll watcher at the Cook County Department of Corrections (CCDOC) must obtain security clearance and pre-approval from the CCDOC as a condition to be in the jail as a poll watcher. Learn more here.

Voting in nursing homes is scheduled by the Board on the Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday prior to the election.

Poll watchers during nursing home voting must meet the same requirements as poll watchers on Election Day, but also must obtain a specially designated "Nursing Home" credential. The number of poll watchers at a given time is the same as in the precinct polling place on Election Day.

Once a poll watcher has surrendered a valid credential to the election judges, the poll watcher may leave and reenter the nursing home during voting unless the action disrupts the conduct of voting.

A poll watcher is allowed to be present in the nursing home during the conduct of voting and until its completion. A poll watcher may accompany the judges into the voting area, but may not observe the ballot being marked or the ballot after marking nor may they listen to a voter direct the marking of the ballot.

When non-ambulatory voting (room-to-room) is occurring, the poll watcher must remain outside the door of the room. The door must remain open to ensure the integrity of the election.

If the number of poll watchers crowds the voting area and interferes with the conduct of the voting, the judges may reduce the poll watchers to a reasonable number by drawing lots.

All persons, including voters, poll watchers and judges of election, have the right to file complaints with the Board of Election Commissioners.

A complaint may be filed over the telephone, in writing or in person.

On Election Day, all complaints will be directed to the Board's Election Central at 312-269-7870.

At other times, the Board's Investigation Department will receive all complaints at any time when the Board's offices are open to the public. The person filing a complaint may discuss the complaint with the Legal and/or the Investigation Departments of the Board and to receive a written response regarding the outcome of the complaint -- if a mailing address is provided at the time the complaint is filed.

We have a user that is somehow getting added as a watcher on issues. I don't see anything in the history to indicate he is being added manually. We don't have any automation or post-function transition that would add him as a watcher as he's nowhere assigned to issues or any of our user custom field.

I am currently facing an issue with regards to a particular user being automatically selected as a watcher for issues in different projects (approx: 30 projects and 55K issues in which he is set as a watcher), without him being a reporter/assignee nor committing any actions as per the history within the issues. There is no specific pattern for this behaviour.

A poll watcher is a person designated by an independent candidate, nonpartisan candidate, a political party, or political body to observe at a polling place on election day or during advance voting. Poll Watchers may be permitted behind the enclosed space for the purpose of observing the conduct of the election and the counting and recording of votes. Candidates listed on the ballot are ineligible to serve as a poll watcher in such primary, election, or runoff.

No person shall be appointed or be eligible to serve as a poll watcher in any primary or election in which such person is a candidate. Poll watcher training must be provided by the political party, political body, or candidate designating the poll watcher. Download the Poll Watcher Training Manual>>

The item gets an update on a button click with a new timestamp. In the Vue dev tools, I can see that the prop is being updated with the value, but the watcher is not working and I am not even getting a log message.

As you prepare for elections in 2022, we wish to advise you of recent changes in state law relating to poll watchers. This advisory addresses changes in the Texas Election Code that resulted from House Bill 3107 (87th Leg., R.S., effective September 1, 2021) and 

 Senate Bill 1 (87th Leg., 2nd C.S., effective December 2, 2021).

Section 33.0015 of the Code provides that it is the intent of the legislature that poll watchers duly accepted for service under Chapter 33 be allowed to observe and report on irregularities in the conduct of any election, but may not interfere in the orderly conduct of an election. A poll watcher appointed under Chapter 33 shall observe without obstructing the conduct of an election and call to the attention of an election officer any observed or suspected irregularity or violation of law in the conduct of the election.

The current training will expire on August 31, 2022. Once the watcher completes training, the training certificate will be valid for all elections occurring during this time period, including, but is not limited to, the primary election, primary runoff election, May 7, 2022 uniform election, and any resulting runoff elections. After August 31, 2022, poll watchers will be expected to complete the training for any elections occurring after August 31, 2022 through August 31, 2023.

A poll watcher appointed to serve at a polling place, meeting of the early voting ballot board, meeting of the signature verification committee, or central counting station must deliver 1) their certificate of appointment; and 2) their certificate of completion from SOS training to the presiding judge at the time the poll watcher reports for service. Poll watchers will be required to counter-sign the certificate of appointment in front of the election judge. This serves not only to certify that the person presenting themselves as a poll watcher is the person named on the appointment, but also as the execution of the affidavit that the poll watcher does not have possession of any prohibited recording devices and an acknowledgment of the new oath that is required for poll watchers. Revised certificates of appointment have been posted to the SOS website and are included below.

As amended by SB 1, Section 33.056 of the Code provides that a poll watcher is entitled to sit or stand near enough to see and hear the election officers conducting the observed activity, except as otherwise prohibited by Chapter 33. Except as provided by Section 33.057( b), a poll

While a poll watcher may be present if an election worker is assisting a voter, a poll watcher may not be present at the voting station when a voter is preparing the voter's ballot or is being assisted by a person of the voter's choice, including by a person also serving as an interpreter at the voting station. (Sec. 33.057(b)).

A poll watcher does not have the right to free movement in other areas of an election office that is not being used for the designated activities. Because election offices often possess confidential voter information that may not be subject to inspection by poll watchers, this information must be closely guarded and election officials should clearly designate what rooms and locations are needed for specified election activities.

A poll watcher appointed to serve at a polling place may observe all election activities relating to closing the polling place, including the sealing and transfer of a memory card, flash drive, hard drive, data storage device, or other medium now existing or later developed for use with voting system equipment. (Sec. 33.0605(a)). 006ab0faaa

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