It is not always slow, but it has times where it just doesn't allow me to work as I should. I tried closing all other apps and windows, restarting my device and re-opening the workflows. None of this really help as if it started doing this, it seems to be consistent for a couple of days. I then finish what I'm busy with, with some frustration, and when I get back to Alteryx in a couple days, it runs better before running into the same issues.

If I disconnect from the internet, the workflow UI is a quick experience again. 

I'm not sure what they changed, but the program is horrifically slow. I would say unusable. It should not take 35 seconds to paste a single formula tool.

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im suffering with slowness, yesterday i decided to go visit IT they wiped my profile, as the install we have at work actually adds to your LOCAL folder, increasing the folder size by 2.8GB. ive now installed to a developer area i have, which horribly added ELEVATED, so canvas wasnt DRAG and DROP-ABLE. i have now just moved that folder to a c:\nonad\ folder, and its seeming to be working without elevated. "WIN".

but its still really slow, not responding window, and even windows has crashed messages. I removed the default view of SQL connections from VISUAL back to text. This speeds up that portion, but from reading above, someone else removed some auto config on macros. Maybe theres some logic being performed, which slows down. i will need to find a way to make this software run lean.

If the app is uploading slowly to the Dropbox servers, then something could be throttling that connection. Are you certain that you have no other software that could be monitoring the Dropbox folder or app?

I am running Radeon Pro Graphics here as it works good for other cad tools too. One interesting thing is that win 10 has the ability to report the GPU id and usage via the task manager. In comparing 17.4 to 17.2 on the exact same design and exactly the same hardware the gpu stats are basically very similar, kind of splitting hairs really but on my monitor whats actually getting rendered is slower in 17.4 than 17.2. It is plausible that the GPU Metric that shows in the task manager is not really representing what is physically getting drawn on the monitor but only looking at a lower level such as gpu cycles etc .... Not too sure.

Hi, I don't understand why I'm having such a big problem downloading a movie from my Dropbox file onto my MacbookPro laptop. The file is only 1.2GB, I'm connected to my router with an ethernet cable, with a fibre-optic connection of 50/50Mbps uncapped and unthrottled. I've tried many times already, but the download is either ridiculously slow or stops altogether. I'm on Dropbox Pro, I have plenty space on my laptop hard drive, and I'm not doing anything else on the laptop at the same time. Am i doing this incorrectly or what? Help help please!

Dropbox will never use the complete full download bandwidth. It also is affected by you using other things, like mail, web etc during those times Dropbox may slow the process to allow you to continue working. It could be affected by things like you allowing the computer to sleep.

Like slow food and slow travel, Slow FI focuses on the process, connection to the world and people around us, and our experiences along the journey. Slow FI enables us to live our best lives along the way.

Neighborhood Slow Streets is a City initiative to slow traffic speeds and improve safety on residential streets within a specific area. When a neighborhood is part of the program, the speed limit on its residential streets will be 20 mph.

At any time of year, a slow cooker can make life a little more convenient because by planning ahead, you save time later. Opening the front door on a cold winter evening and being greeted by the inviting smells of beef stew or chicken noodle soup wafting from a slow cooker can be a diner's dream come true. But winter is not the only time a slow cooker is useful. In the summer, using this small electrical appliance can avoid introducing heat from a hot oven. And it takes less electricity to use a slow cooker rather than an oven.

Keep perishable foods refrigerated until preparation time. If you cut up meat and vegetables in advance, store them separately in the refrigerator. The slow cooker may take several hours to reach a safe, bacteria-killing temperature. Constant refrigeration assures that bacteria, which multiply rapidly at room temperature, won't get a "head start" during the first few hours of cooking.

Always thaw meat or poultry before putting it into a slow cooker. Choose to make foods with a high moisture content such as chili, soup, stew or spaghetti sauce. If using a commercially frozen slow cooker meal, prepare according to manufacturer's instructions.

Large cuts of meat and poultry may be cooked safely in a slow cooker, however since slow cookers are available in several sizes, consult the instruction booklet for suggested sizes of meat and poultry to cook in your slow cooker.

it's a shame because the addin works very well when first installed and then it gradually slow outlook down to a grinding halt.

i am getting into the workaround practice of uninstalling and reinstalling weekly!

Hi All, did this end up getting resolved? I have the same issue. New user to HubSpot, followed the onboarding guide and the Mac Outlook plugin is completely useless. It is extremely slow to the point where I do not want to use it.

Generally, slowness is a result of the tracking pixel when tracking is enabled. When the Add-In is loaded with tracking enabled, we insert the tracking pixel at the bottom of the email's body. This moves the cursor to the bottom of the email's body as well. The Office API does not currently allow developers to return the cursor to its previous position. The best course of action here if that happens would be to disable tracking or use Outlook on the Web. 

Under this campaign, we map and provide coordinates to areas where right whales were detected (i.e., visually sighted or acoustically detected). Following a right whale detection, a visually-triggered Slow Zone (a.k.a. DMA) or acoustically-triggered Slow Zone will remain in effect for 15 days. During this time, mariners are requested to avoid the areas or slow all vessels to 10 knots or less to prevent collisions with right whales.

Providing more information to vessel operators about visual sightings and acoustic detections, allows them to be more proactive - by avoiding these areas or slowing to 10 knots or less - in reducing the risks all boats pose to right whales.

For small boaters, colliding with a whale can be especially dangerous for you, your passengers and destructive to your vessel. Given how difficult right whales can be to spot from the water, slowing down in these zones helps keep everyone safe.

I started the rubbed 4lb bonless pork shoulder oh high for two hours in the slow cooker at 4pm. Then I set the cooker to low for 8 hours and let it cook until 11pm. By then the meat was falling apart tender. Then I scrapped all the fat off and shredded the pork. I returned the pork to the juice and put it in the fridge until lunch today. I crisped up the carnitas in my skillet until brown and crunchy and seared the other side. I burrito wrapped it all up with feta, Colby jack, salsa, sour cream and green onion. ? so good! It may be better than all my local authentic Mexican restaurants.

Slow Streets are safe, comfortable, low-vehicle-traffic routes that prioritize active transportation and community-building. These shared streets are thoughtfully designed and implemented on residential streets to provide safe, comfortable alternatives to driving. They are open to all forms of transportation, including vehicles accessing properties along the corridor, and emphasize slow and safe speeds to support a diverse mix of uses.

I'm using ArcPro 3.0.2, signed in to my AGOL account. I have a geodatabase on my computer that I am accessing via the Catalog window, the GDB has 9 feature classes in it. When I try to delete one of these FC from the GDB it is taking just shy of 2 minutes to complete the process. The feature class is not big, 186 points with 4 attributes. Pro has always been slow but this is worse than usual. Any suggestions to speed up the process?

Thanks It's good to know it's not just me. The slowness does seem to be associated with the catalog aspects of Pro - adding feature classes, deleting them, creating gdb etc. Not sure if anyone from ESRI is looking into a fix for this but maybe starting with that might help.

I have the same problem. Basic Catalog functions like creating new empty feature classes (even with no additional attributes), deleting relatively small layers and even renaming a feature class takes sooo much longer than it did in ArcMap. I find myself sitting here watching the wheel spinning thinking 'what are you thinking about', it drives me crackers! Have been trying to keep my file paths shorter as I understand that can slow things down but it doesn't seem to make much difference. I'm using 3.0.1. If I could fix one thing in Pro (and there are a few on my list) it would be this!

Then, once the museum opened, young visitors (5-11 years old) were invited to go on a slow looking tour of a handful of paintings in the collection, led by museum staff, between 10:30 and 11:15 am. At 2 pm, adults were invited to do the same.

Participants arrived for the event and began slowly looking at the artwork, with questions and discussions organically began as everyone looked at the artwork. Having the artists present created a lot of additional excitement.

For their second Slow Art Day, the member-run non-profit gallery Artspace, in Richmond, Virginia, planned a simple approach for their event: start with a 5-minute meditation, followed by 5-minute slow looking at four chosen works currently hanging in the gallery, and a group discussion afterwards.

While the organizers had a clear plan for meditation, slow viewing and discussion, the participants decided to make some changes on the fly. For example, the first group of visitors skipped the meditation and jumped right in to looking at a large painting. Next, the participants decided to split up and slow look at one art work that they each chose. This did not quite follow the event plan, the organizers went with the flow of the group, and said it worked out even better than planned. Many Slow Art Day educators and hosts know that sometimes visitors take ideas into their own hands, which after all is the central mission of Slow Art Day. 006ab0faaa

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