User Agreement

The use of data from this corpus and its accompanying documentation is governed by the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. By using this corpus, you agree to the terms in this license.

When the data were collected, participants agreed to the public release of transcriptions with the condition that their privacy is protected. The names of the participants, family members, and acquaintances have all been changed to fake names. The names of famous people have not not changed. If there was any doubt, then the the name was changed. In the case of organizations and other proper names, if the group was very small and specific, then its name was changed. In the case where the privacy of the participant could not not be protected, then that section of the transcript was omitted. By using this corpus, you agree to respect the privacy of the participants. If you should happen to recognize a participant, then you are obliged to keep such recognition a secret. Furthermore, you agree to use the corpus data is such as manner that the participants' privacy is protected.

Priority was given to the morphological analysis, at the expense of the content of the conversations. False starts, repeats, etc., were removed. Utterances for which the meaning was completely unclear were also removed. No effort was made to consistently use the same fake name for the same person.

I have worked hard to make an accurate corpus. However, spoken language is very messy, and the parsed data is initially full of errors. Each file was read line by line by research assistants and any errors found were corrected. Nevertheless, errors remain. Therefore, I make no guarantee that the data and accompanying documentation is accurate, or will work with a particular application. I shall not be liable in any event for incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the use of this data or its accompanying documentation.

This corpus has been supported by Grant in Aid for Scientific Research (C) 17K02761 from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

Any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by the following reference:

  • in English:

Heffernan, Kevin. (2012). Kansaiben koopasu no shookai [An introduction to the Kansai dialect corpus]. Journal of Policy Studies, 41, 157-164.

  • in Japanese:

ヘファナン・ケビン(2012)「関西弁コーパスの紹介」『総合政策研究』41号 157-164.

The Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license webpage