The Constitution of the Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosovo was adopted on February 28, 1974, by the Assembly of Kosovo[14] and the Assembly of Yugoslavia, whilst Kosovo was still an autonomous province of Serbia. The federal 1974 Yugoslav Constitution that was adopted a week earlier granted federal units of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to create their own constitutions, making this the first constitution of Kosovo that was integrated into a constitution of the SFR Yugoslavia.[15] It replaced the Kosovo Constitutional Law of 1963,[16][17] granting Kosovo a high degree of constitutional, legislative and judicial autonomy.[18] Per the Constitutions of SFR Yugoslavia from 1974, SAP Kosovo also gained its own Constitution and the highest officials, most notably Presidency and Government.[19]

The constitution stated that all ethnicities of Kosovo should unite under the people's socialist revolution and the Communist party in its lead, against class warfare and further class inequality. The head of the Assembly Ilaz Kurteshi [sr; sq] signed the constitution on 27 February 1974 and it was adopted the same day.[20]

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After the speech that Slobodan Miloevi gave on 24 April 1987 and on 28 June 1989, the Gazimestan speech in front of a large number of ethnic Serbs at the main celebration marking the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo. Some[who?] think that this speech helped Miloevic consolidate his authority in Serbia.[22] With the rise to power of nationalist movement in Serbia, the limitation of powers for Kosovo begin. In 1989 the Serbian assembly began passing amendments for restricting Kosovo's powers, guaranteed by the 1974 SFRY Constitution. It could propose such amendments but these required acceptance by the Kosovo Assembly before being adopted.

Between 1945 and 1963 it was officially named the Autonomous Region of Kosovo and Metohija,[2] with a level of self-government lower than that of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. In 1963 it was granted the same level of autonomy as Vojvodina, and accordingly its official name was changed to Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija. In 1968 the term "Metohija" was dropped,[3] and the prefix "Socialist" was added,[4] changing the official name of the province to Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosovo. In 1974 both autonomous provinces (Vojvodina and Kosovo) were granted significantly increased levels of autonomy. In 1989, under the presidency of Slobodan Miloevi, that level of autonomy was reduced. In 1990 the term "Metohija" was reinserted into the provincial name,[5] with "Socialist" being dropped. From that point on the official name of the province was once again Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija, as it had been between 1963 and 1968.

The Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosovo received more autonomy within Serbia and Yugoslavia by constitutional reform in 1974. In the new constitutions of Yugoslavia and Serbia, adopted during the reform of 1974, Kosovo was granted major autonomy, allowing it to have not only its own administration and assembly, but also a substantial constitutional, legislative and judicial autonomy.[24]

N prill t vitit 1973 u hartua projekti i Kushtetuts s re t RSFJ-s, projektkushtetutat republikane dhe ato krahinore. Diskutimet publike rreth tyre zgjatn m shum se gjysm viti, pra deri m 21 shkurt t vitit 1974 kur Kuvendi Federativ miratoi Kushtetutn e re t RSFJ-s, ndrsa Kushtetuta e KSA e Kosovs, u miratua m 28 shkurt t vitit 1974.

Me nxjerrjen e Kushtetuts s RSFJ, vazhdoi procesi i avancimit t pozits s kushtetuts s Kosovs n kuadrin e federalizimit jugosllav. Kosova me dispozitat e ksaj Kushtetute u prcaktua si njsi autonome politike territoriale dhe si element konstituiv i federalizimit. Pozita e kushtetuese e Kosovs sipas Kushttuts s RSFJ-s t vitit 1974, n shum sfera ishte e ngjashme me pozitn e republikave, madje sipas ksaj kushtetute, Kosova ishte njsi e mvetsishme federale dhe element konstituiv, q do t thot, se asaj i jepej e drejta e vetprcaktimit t ri statusor, pas shprbrjes s RSFJ-s.

Pa marr parasysh t metat dhe mangsit e Kushtetuts s Kosovs dhe asaj t RSFJ-s t vitit 1974, pr shqiptart dhe qytetart tjer t Kosovs ajo paraqet nj moment shum t rndsishm, ngase ajo i krijonte KSA t Kosovs hapsira t reja pr nj evoluim t mtejshm t statusit t saj. Me kushtetutn e vitit 1974, Kosova del nga sundimi i Serbis, si pjes integrale e Jugosllavis. Kushtetuta n fjal ishte mjaft e avansuar pr dallim nga kushtetutat e tjera t mparshme (1946, 1963).

Me plqimin e kuvendeve t republikave dhe t krahinave pr zgjidhjet baz, Komisioni Koordinues dhe komisioni ekzistues pr shtje kushtetuese, s bashku, n prill t vitit 1973, arritn t hartojn Projektin e Kushtetuts s re t RSFJ, i cili n korrik u dha pr diskutim publik, edhe Projektkushtetutat republikane dhe krahinore.[26]

Gjithsesi, kushtetuta e re e Kosovs, si nj proces pozitiv i pas vitit 1966, ka n prmbajtje prpjekjet e prbashkta t gjitha kombeve dhe kombsive t krahins, pr t zhvilluar m tej statusin politik shoqror e ekonomik t saj.

Edhe pse n sistemin kushtetues t vitit 1974, statusi i popullsis shqiptare diferencohej nga ai i pakicave t tjera kombtare, duke u konsideruar kombsi e madhe dhe duke krijuar formn e vet t organizimit politik, shoqror t Krahins Socialiste Autonome, ajo nuk e zgjidhi problemin kombtar t popullsis shqiptare n Kosov.

N kt pridh filloi disi nj reforme me demokratike n ish-RSFJ dhe amandamentohet kushtetuta e ish-RSFJ me amandamentet e vitit 1968/71 dhe 72 ku pozita e Kosovs avancohet, sepse del nga struktura ekskluzive kushtetuese e Serbis dhe bhet element Konstituiv n nivel t federates s ish-Jugosllavis. Me kto amandamente Kosovs i jepet e drejta q t aprovoj Ligjin Kushtetues me 24.02.1969. Kjo ishte nj avancim bukur i madh n krahasim me vitet e kaluara, por ishte kompromisi i krkesave pr Republik q u paraqitn n demonstratat e vitit 1968. N kuadr t avancimit t statusit t Kosovs n vitin 1969 n kuadrin e Gjykats s Lart Krahinore, konstituohet Dega Gjyqsore-Kushtetuese si organ i posam i Krahins pr mbrojtjen e kushtetutshmris dhe ligjshmris, ndrsa ma von n vitin 1972 me amendamentin X t Ligjit Kushtetues u formua GJYKATA KUSHTETUESE E KOSOVS si organ i pavarur i Krahins.

Zhvillimet e mtutjeshme dihen nga t gjith, pas instalimit t administrats civile t OKB-s n Kosov fillon rregullimi politiko-shoqror i Kosovs dhe n vitin 2001 aprovohet Korniza Kushtetuese e Kosovs nga PSSP t OKB-s. Aprovimi i ksaj kornize kishte shkaktuar mospajtime t mdha n Kosov n mes t spektrit politik, sepse korniza kushtetuese n shum aspekte kishte kthim mbrapa n raport me Kushtetutn e Kosovs t vitit 1974, ndr to ishte edhe ajo q Kosovs ju mohua Gjykata Kushtetuese dhe u formu nj dhom e veante n kuadr t Gjykats Supreme, pr ta mbikqyr interpretimin e kornizs kushtetuese ( me sa e di kjo dhom nuk ka funksionuar asnjher).

Prandaj, ne, q mbajm mend Kushtetutn e vitit 1974 t Kosovs, e dim se Kosova kishte funksionim t saj m t madh se sot si shtet me Asociacionin e komunave me shumic serbe dhe me statusin e Kishs Ortodokse Serbe n Kosov, status, q nuk dihet fare do t jet, por dihet se kjo kish nuk sht kish religjioze, por politike. E, deri sa i prket dhe luan rolin politik e jo at religjioz, nuk do t duhej t kishte fare nj status t till. Prndryshe, n formulimin e ktij statusi, duhet t ket edhe nj pik apo nj nen t veant, se, po kaloi fushn religjoze kjo kish dhe u fut n politik, me ka do t prpiqej t ndryshonte politikn brenda Republiks s Kosovs, do t suprimohet statusi i saj, qoft ngqa prokurori apo edhe nga organet gjegjse tjera t shtetit.

Baraliu tha pr KosovaPress se me Kushtetutn e vitit 1974, vetm Kuvendi ishte ai q mer rte vendime pr ndryshime territoriale, derisa sipas tij me Kushtetutn aktuale Kosova ka probleme serioze me sovranitetin dhe kufijt e saj.

N Kosov pr her t par u kalua Ligja Kushtetuese m 1968. Vite m von, m 1974, u miratua Kushtetuta e Krahins Socialiste Autonome t Kosovs. M 1990, u nxor Kushtetuta e Kaanikut e Republiks s Kosovs, e cila nuk arriti t zbatohet n trsi pr shkak t okupimit serb. Pas Lufts lirimtare u adoptua Korniza Kushtetuese, ligj i prkohshm pr vetqeverisje, kurse m 2008, pas Shpalljes s Pavarsis s Kosovs, hyri n fuqi Kushtetuta moderne e Republiks s Kosovs.

Prkundr ksaj, evident sht fakti q as gjat Lufts s Dyt Botrore dhe as pas saj Kosova nuk ka qen ndonjher pjes e shtetit t pavarur serb. Duhet nnvizuar se edhe n statusin e dyfisht (deri diku paradoksal) q kishte Kosova gjat periudhs s kushtetuts s vitit 1946 dhe kushtetuts s vitit 1974 t Jugosllavis, inkuadrimi i Kosovs n Serbi ka qen vetm n Serbin si subjekt/republik federative n kuadr t Jugosllavis dhe jo n Serbin sovrane ndrkombtarisht. Andaj nuk mund t konsiderohet argument juridik pohimi q Kosova ka qen pjes e Serbis dhe se qenka shkputur dhunshm nga ajo. be457b7860

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