An auto-attack or autoattack is any kind of player or pet attack that will repeat automatically unless interrupted by the player or some other event. Auto-attacks function separately to the use of specific abilities, and do not interrupt or affect their use. Auto-attack automatically uses the player's current target, and lasts until cancelled.

Auto-attacks have an internal swing or cast timer which, while not displayed to the player, determines how regularly attacks are made. This is generally affected by haste. If the target moves out of range of auto-attack, auto-attacks will cease. Once the target is once more in range, or a new target is selected, auto-attacks will automatically resume. Auto-attack will be suspended by crowd control effects such as stuns and fears, but will resume once the effect has ended.

World Of Warcraft Auto Attack

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I want to spam one button to autoattack but if I drag out the spell from spellbook it works like this: press one time and start autoattacking, then when I press one more time same button it stop autoattacking.

I believe that In Retail, auto-attack is sticky as long as you are in combat. Weapon swing timer or tabbing targets is irrelevant, what matters is that you are in range and in combat and auto-attack is toggled on.

Casting spells does not begin auto-attacks, wand or staff. However, pushing one of the before mentioned buttons (right click or whatever you have bound to Start Attack/Attack Target/Assist Target) will begin your auto-attacks regardless of your weapon or distance.

Seems to be a bug that is happening inside of raid instances that is causing ranged hunters when they change target to a mob or apply hunters mark to start auto attacking without right clicking or using any attack input.

An auto-attack is any kind of player or pet attack that will repeat automatically unless interrupted by the player or some other event. By default, most "vanilla" or non-special ability related melee attacks will start in auto-attack mode.

I have lots of questions, but two that I need help with today are 1) I'm duel wielding two-handers and have no idea how this affects my spells? I understand that a weapon in the off hand position does less than it would in the main hand but is that just for auto attacks? I noticed in my combat logs yesterday that some of my spell hits had (off-hand) next to the log, but I'm having trouble telling how that affects how/when I should use abilities like execute/rampage.

2)How in the world does attack speed affect my spells, and to add.. how does haste affect my weapon speed? I thought weapon speed increases auto attack (White damage) speed only and haste is only for GCD, but on icy veins they list Enrage as the most important thing for fury warriors to keep up, but aren't auto attacks only a small portion of my damage? and it says to make sure to have enrage up before bladestorming?

2) Haste is a percentage that affects the speed of some things you do, like basic attacks, cast times, and some spells' cooldowns. Your attack speed is dictated by the weapon you're using, which will probably be 3.6s (0.27 attack per second) for you. For simplicity, let's consider a spell with 10s cd that is affected by Haste. If you have 15% Haste, your spell will have 8.5s of cooldown, and your attack speed will be 3.13 (0.32 attack per second). For a high-end Fury player (Heroic and Mythic raiders), auto-attacks make up for 13-15% of total damage, being the 2nd largest portion behind Raging Blow, sometimes falling to 3rd behind Execute depending on the fight. It's a considerable part of your damage. As far as Enrage goes, there is another side to it that is your Mastery. Mastery is a passive effect that you unlock at level 78 and works differently for each spec. For Fury, it'll boost all the damage you do while Enraged by 11%, and is increased by the Mastery secondary stat. So on top of boosting your 2nd/3rd most important source of damage right now, Enrage will also increase ALL your damage after you unlock Mastery.

Orb walking applies predominantly to those playing the ADC role as it's so essential to their damage output, but it also applies in a broader sense for other roles aiming to land their auto-attacks and stay on the move.

One of the many ways you can tell if an ADC knows their stuff is by the way they aggress on you in a teamfight, or how they handle themselves on the backfoot. If they weave in and out of range while still letting of a barrage of auto-attacks, then you know they've mastered orb-walking.

There will be moments where one enemy champion is just behind another, and you want to attack one or the other while still using this technique. Press Escape, click the Game tab on the left, scroll down and check the "Attack move on cursor" box. Now, your champion will auto-attack the target closest to where your cursor is positioned - not the closest champion full stop.

Pay attention to the mouse constantly clicking on or near the enemy, before clicking away as soon as the auto-attack animation has completed. Also, it's not only the auto-attacks that make the difference, it's the combination of auto-attacks and abilities that can turn the tide of battle in your favour.

Elliot the Rogue is level 80, and is attacking a boss mob along with the rest of his raid group. He has stocked up on all sorts of +Crit Rating gear, so his crit chance against the boss mob is a whopping 30%. However, he didn't bring any +Hit Rating or +Expertise Rating gear with him, nor does he have the Precision talent; so the base chance for his attacks against a boss to Miss is 8%, the base chance for the same attacks to be Parried is 14%, and the base chance for the same attacks to be Dodged and be Blocked are 6.5% each. Since he is dual-wielding, he incurs an additional +19% miss chance on every autoattack swing; his total miss chance against a boss mob is 27%. Furthermore, he has a fixed 24% chance of glancing blows against bosses. When he attacks the boss mob from the front with a white-damage auto-attack, Elliot's attack table looks like this.

A post made by Lactose on ElitistJerks shows strong evidence that Hunters do not use a single roll system for their ranged attacks.[2] Banshee's Curse, a debuff given by Banshee (Hyjal) reduced his chance to hit by 66%, giving him a Miss chance of 67.96% against a level 70 target. Since his tooltip Crit chance was 35.83%, in a one-roll system the only successful auto-shoot attacks should be crits; however, both Auto Shots and Multi-Shot successfully hit repeatedly without critting. This means that Hunters use at least a two-roll system for all of their ranged attacks.

In World of Warcraft, auto-attack is the term used to describe the default melee attack that is performed when the player right-clicks on an enemy target. This attack is performed automatically and does not require the player to select a specific attack button. Auto-attack can be turned off by the player if desired.

When you click the right mouse button, an attack begins. There are quite a few options for right-clicking an attack, including selecting it for hunters (which sounds like you), so you have no limit to what you can do. You can, however, use macros that will turn off auto attacks and allow you to select an ability.

Champions have no restrictions on the auto attack, and it is activated by pressing a movement command on their opponents. When you click on an enemy, they will be attacked if you are in close proximity. You will be able to move directly at the enemy and aim your weapon at them at close range. be457b7860

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